So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

I guess I am a student again. ATP CPT starting in 2 weeks. This was just going to be a hobby.
it will be a different way of flying if you opt for airlines.
Very regimented and standardized procedures with crew (CRM) resources management, with you may not be used to… but will get familiar with.

If you go non airline, charter, rules are all over the place.
Good luck.
Getting closer to PPL....finished the "long" solo cross-country today. Two more flights should cover the requisite cross-country hours and full-stop towered field landings, then on to checkride prep!
Yesterday was a great day.
Started the multi training. Cfi said let's just do a quick flight to get a feel for the airplane and no maneuvers. we get up and 15 minutes in he goes you are very smooth on the controls. let's do the maneuvers. so we do slow flight, stalls, turns, one engine loss etc. Then he warned me that the landings in the Seminole is usually a little hard because of weight etc. I land it with a greaser. he scratches his head and he says obviously you know what you are doing. Just need to study the material. call the dpe and find out checkride timeline.
Now my head is so huge my hat doesn't fit.