So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

I have over 38.5 hours, (18.4 in the traffic pattern), still am not even close to being able to land on my own...I'm starting to become very, very discouraged....I really want to be able to do this but maybe I'm just too old.:mad2:

I'm hoping landings will click with me each time I go but I seem stuck, my base leg can fall apart and sometimes I'm too high or low/fast or slow...when I can fix that then I have trouble and veer to the left when landing, flare too soon, you name it I do it badly. I'll keep trying but I am starting to wonder if there is a point when I should truly ask myself if I need to take up something else...I really want to be able to land!!!!

Hang in there Lumpy, I started out for my ticket at age 63, 79 hrs and 1 year later the DPE shook my hand and said congratulations Pilot !

I can fully relate to the way you feel and I think I gave my CFI a few more grey hairs along the way..but believe me it will all come together and you will wonder why you ever doubted yourself.

Good Luck
just passed the written and then went for my first solo ride to another airport. what a great day
awesome. i don't think mines going to be till after the first of the year. going to try to get the duel cross country in this weekend. and then maybe the solo cc but after that my instructor is off till the new year.
Finished stage 3 stage check today. Tomorrow we are going to apply to the FSDO and schedule the ride within 2 weeks. Here we go!
Ok, I'll bite. Currently a lurker, starting ground school in January. Looking forward to it!
Ok, I'll bite. Currently a lurker, starting ground school in January. Looking forward to it!

Welcome, well, if you're gonna start ground school in January, you better head to the airport this weekend to start your flying lessons. Ground school doesn't start making much sense until you have a few flight lessons in.
CFI-A application has been submitted to the Scottsdale FSDO.
Highlight of my week, first solo fell on my birthday. Now that's a pretty sweet gift.
Congrats on the solo, pilot.

Re- eading the topic, I've decided we're all students and we usually stand on the ramp.

Thread closed! LOL
Took the FAA PPL written test today. I must have taken a hundred practice tests over the past few months. I figured I'd pass, but I ended up with a 95%. Don't ask me how - I was really surprised. What a burden lifted. Now I can clear twenty pounds of books off my desk, along with a flight computer, plotter and flash cards.
Well, that would be me...I have over 38.5 hours, (18.4 in the traffic pattern), still am not even close to being able to land on my own...I'm starting to become very, very discouraged....I really want to be able to do this but maybe I'm just too old.:mad2:

I'm hoping landings will click with me each time I go but I seem stuck, my base leg can fall apart and sometimes I'm too high or low/fast or slow...when I can fix that then I have trouble and veer to the left when landing, flare too soon, you name it I do it badly. I'll keep trying but I am starting to wonder if there is a point when I should truly ask myself if I need to take up something else...I really want to be able to land!!!!
Lumpy.... I agree with the others, stick with it... see yourself doing it.... you can do it..... and, you might want to try changing your CFI. I had 9 different CFIs for my first 12 lessons (due to scheduling and travel) but try a different one and see what happens. It might be your CFI and not you?
All I have left is the PPL checkride stage check with my flight school... and I haven't been able to do it for the past 2 weeks because of the hideous weather. <1000 ft ceilings every single day.

Damn this overcast winter weather. I am so damn close and wanted to get the checkride done before the end of the year, but the weather is looking like it'll prevent it.

Same boat here, high winds too. I said it earlier in my training, "we are the weathers' *******"
Hi all,

Long time reader but newbie here to the message board.

Just flew my first solo today. Started the lesson with a couple take offs & landings with my instructor & then did 3 x take off/landings on my own.

Took a bit longer than I expected to get to this point but a very exciting day for me....
Hi all,

Long tdisappointedder but newbie here to the message board.

Just flew my first solo today. Started the lesson with a couple take offs & landings with my instructor & then did 3 x take off/landings on my own.

Took a bit longer than I expected to get to this point but a very exciting day for me....

Congrats. I soloed in the low 20s (hours) disappointed ,and passed the check ride in 50 (hours) very relieved and satisfied about finishing at 50. So keep on working hard.
Took the FAA PPL written test today. I must have taken a hundred practice tests over the past few months. I figured I'd pass, but I ended up with a 95%. Don't ask me how - I was really surprised. What a burden lifted. Now I can clear twenty pounds of books off my desk, along with a flight computer, plotter and flash cards.

Congrats on your score. I suggest that you keep studying. You still have the practical test exam to take, and it's still a good idea to read through the books here and there to keep up on the regulations and other information.
Got the word back from the FAA. CFI-A test is scheduled for the 30th with a DPE. I'm somewhat torn about the news. Firstly, I was hoping to get the test done sooner because I will now have to fly more for proficiency (Arrow=$$). This also means more time to study too.
Secondly, I was told that the FSDO was not using DPEs and now I have to be prepared for a $700 ride fee. I could probably decline the DPE to wait for a inspector but I want this finished and will welcome any ride I get.
I did my written two weekends ago now, did my first solo two days before it.

I've just finished up my solo XC requirements, need to get 6 more night landings then get to 40 hours while doing check ride prep with my CFI. I'm currently just under 30 hrs. My CFI is on vacation till 1/13/2014 so I'm hoping to get my check ride knocked out before the end of January.
Got the word back from the FAA. CFI-A test is scheduled for the 30th with a DPE. I'm somewhat torn about the news. Firstly, I was hoping to get the test done sooner because I will now have to fly more for proficiency (Arrow=$$). This also means more time to study too.
Secondly, I was told that the FSDO was not using DPEs and now I have to be prepared for a $700 ride fee. I could probably decline the DPE to wait for a inspector but I want this finished and will welcome any ride I get.

But once you pass, you're a CFI and that's when you start making the big bucks! :D
That's a bit out of hand.

I'm strongly considering rescheduling. I understand that a DPE can do 2 checkrides per day and he normally charges 500 snaps per ride. Having to do a CFI ride takes his whole day and essentially is the same amount of time as 2 initial or add-on checkrides. I get all of these factors, however when the alternative =FREE. I think I might wait to go with the FAA.
halfway done with the ASA Commercial Test Prep. probably going to schedule the written sometime in january!
I'd have my PPL by now if that damned thing called "life" would quit getting in the way!

Scheduling my written exam tomorrow, checkride in the first two weeks of January if weather and DPE scheduling permit.
Got the word back from the FAA. CFI-A test is scheduled for the 30th with a DPE. I'm somewhat torn about the news. Firstly, I was hoping to get the test done sooner because I will now have to fly more for proficiency (Arrow=$$). This also means more time to study too.
Secondly, I was told that the FSDO was not using DPEs and now I have to be prepared for a $700 ride fee. I could probably decline the DPE to wait for a inspector but I want this finished and will welcome any ride I get.

I see you're in AZ. Which fsdo district are you in?
I haven't flown in 3 weeks. Reserved the 172 for Tuesday, and my instructor too... Hoping for some crosswind practice and just some polishing on the pattern work.

I might have my certificate, but I have no problem paying a little extra to have my CFI onboard.. after all, I'll always be a student:)
Just under 10 hours flown and logged. Per my instructor, on target for first solo in 6 to 8 hours. Currently working on pattern and landing. Last time up did 6 in just over 1 hour.
Well, that would be me...I have over 38.5 hours, (18.4 in the traffic pattern), still am not even close to being able to land on my own...I'm starting to become very, very discouraged....I really want to be able to do this but maybe I'm just too old.:mad2:

I'm hoping landings will click with me each time I go but I seem stuck, my base leg can fall apart and sometimes I'm too high or low/fast or slow...when I can fix that then I have trouble and veer to the left when landing, flare too soon, you name it I do it badly. I'll keep trying but I am starting to wonder if there is a point when I should truly ask myself if I need to take up something else...I really want to be able to land!!!!

Do not become discouraged. My dad started at 66 years old, and it took him about 120 hours, 18 months, and two flight schools (long story). He pass his check ride first shot no problems. He now loves flying and owns a beautiful Piper Saratoga SP he purchased in March.
I also have about 10 hours in. Just started trying to land last week. Much harder than I thought. I was better this week. Doing it alone seems intimidating. However, I am really enjoying flying
Checkride is scheduled for Monday and I haven't flown in the last 12 days and the weather doesn't look very good for the next week :(
Doing touch and go's at KTOA yesterday afternoon, instructor has me land on the south (short) runway and taxi over to where his car is parked. As I knew someone had rented the bird for later in the evening - I figured we were done for the day. Nope - he hopped out, told me to take it around one more time all by my lonesome....

Re: SOLO ed on 8th December 2013

Since I was 16 wanted to learn to fly but finally after retirement ( I am in my late sixties now )I had my first flight on Feb. 26.2009 Fast forward after 9 instructors including a DPE (who is a friend )medical issues that finally ended up get an S.I which I still have ! 83.4 hours I finally Solo ed on the 8th of December 2013 on very cold afternoon My CFI and I started training together in 2009 and now he is a CFI , while I am still a student pilot ! the good news is that I have most of my requirements made except for night flying . I had a very difficult time trying to learn to "Flare" one of my young CF'I told me to put the Glare shield on the horizon and then it just "clicked" . The 3 stop and go's were just a peace of cake except my first landing I balloon ed but corrected myself and greased the landing (was) ready to go around ! I have the video my CFI made on his IPhone I will try yo upload it !
Merry XMAS & Happy Holidays !

Wow, you've got some dedication to stick with it through all that! Congrats!
I found out this afternoon that the plane I've been training in, PA28-161, had a small fire. The word is that it was over primed for a cold start. A few hoses need to be replaced and the bottom of the cowling needs to be replaced.

Tomorrow I will be transitioning to an PA28-181 and getting prepped for the checkride....

I started my PPL about 2 years ago... had to take some time off. Only got about 12 hours in, but starting up again in a few weeks! I've obviously extremely excited. Like everyone else in here, I love flying (unlike everyone else here though, I also have a really really strong FEAR of flying -- not a crippling fear, just the thought of "oh boy this is not a smart thing to do").

In my training two years ago, I had started to get some landings down... obviously I'm prepared to basically start over!! At least the hours are there though :-).

I've also been a lurker here and at other boards for the past few years, and have been reading voraciously about aviation during all that time. Great to be here!

Welcome, you should be afraid, afraid for your mortal wallet. Aviation has killed more paychecks than pilots....