Sorry for repeating for those who know, but I'm in Norway (an american living here) going for my PPL.
So last fall I started ground school (online) and flying with instructor. I ended up at around 11 hours, but after talking with my instructor, he was pointing out It wasn't THAT long until first solo, but legally I had to have taken the written, and I believe passed at least certain sections of it.
We agreed it made sense for me to get it out of the way, and it is so much along with working full time and other things, that I needed to concentrate.
Anyway, finished the online course, had a weekend intensive classroom course, and here the school has to submit you for the exam, which they did after I passed their tests.
Took the exams one evening on sept. 14. It was nine subjects, took around 5.5 hours. Pretty exhausting. The language use, in norwegian, was confusing as hell. They mixed terms or used what should be specific terms loosely, and one person I'd become friends with at the intensive course, a guy around my age (well aged) but that was Norwegian told me HE struggled with about 5 or 6 questions in each section even just to get what they were driving at.
I began learning norwegian from scratch when I got here as a 36 year old (60 now). Phrases were tough. Word choice...
Took three weeks to get the results. Passed in 6 of the 9 categories. There were 20 questions each category.
The ones I passed I was in the 80-95% results. The three I missed was 65%. What really got me, Navigation. I was great at it in the online tests, and loved doing it, felt very competent at flight planning, NAV, etc. but the test was more word problems, no real map use, etc.
Air law and ATC also failed. That wasn't surprising, I knew I was weaker there, it's also all in norwegian and norwegian "legalise" with a lot of words I had to look up, ask about, etc.
Last one I failed, Meteorology. I had spent a lot of time with it, and thought I had it better but apparently not.
Don't know how you have it in the US, but here you can take "the exam" up to six times, BUT you cannot fail any subject more than 4 times. I decided to take all three over again at the same time. I hope to get all three, but if I fail again but hopefully pass one it still will at least narrow the studies for the next to last chance.
Hope I get it all done in the November exam. I'm not bitching about the Norwegian. It's just how it is. Gotta just concentrate more, ask more about phrasing, study.