Joe Williams said:
Thinking we can control global warming, or cooling, is a myth.
I agree with this. However, while the press is presenting this as a direct cause-and-effect relationship (that is, solidifying of the science and corporate/governmental reaction), it's not.
The companies are jumping on board for two reasons: (1) They want to be out ahead of any regulation, and (2) it's good business. BP was the industry leader, and it's been good for their bottom line. Have they stopped selling gas? Heck no! They're probably selling more because they've built an environment-friendly corporate image.
Reduction of carbon emissions is a good in its own right, quite independent of whether you believe in global warming or whether we can control it. First, it means less pollution. Second, it buys time for development of alternate energy sources, which we will need eventually. You can argue all you want about the timing, but we are using up fossil fuels at a faster rate than they are being made by geologic processes, so the sooner we get a jump on alternative sources, the less economic disruption there will be when crunch time hits.
All the disaster talk is silly. Even if we are the cause of the current warming trend (and that's the controversy, not whether there is a trend), we probably can't reverse it (pretty much everyone agrees on this), so we should be pouring money into adapting (which, in fact, we are).
I'm a geologist (and, by the way, I study long-term climate change, so this is in my field), and as such, I've got a pretty relaxed attitude about climate change. First, we're in a climatically unusual time in that we have ice caps. For most of Earth history, there weren't any ice caps, so it was just a matter of when they would melt, not if. Second, the world has been much, much warmer in the past, with no big problems for life. All the panic is basically that humans don't like change. Yeah, a few island and coastal areas will be submerged by rising sea level (including DC--and this is a
bad thing?). But, so what. We'll just move. It was gonna happen anyway, and it's all going to happen slowly enough that we'll adapt just fine. It's already happening. Look how few people are able to get hurricane insurance any more. The market will force the required relocations.
The very idea that we can somehow hold climate constant is ludicrous. Climate changes constantly, on large and small time scales, without any help from us, and it's gonna keep changing.