So here I sit at an FBO.....

I've heard a lightning strike is good for about 20 miles. Makes me want to be WAY AWAY from the potential. I'll goa couple better. Mother and son were struck by lightning while in doors watching the weather. Guy was standing in the sun, on his lawn, when struck.
You never know. Grounded inside is better than in the air next to a build up.
Good choice.
I was struck by lightning in a van once. Was surprised how little it did. Scared the hell out of all of us but that's about it.

The van had several issues after but as far as it's affect on me, no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoever no issues whatsoeverno issues$5e I like cookies.
I believe Brother Cowman has seen the IFR LIGHT!!! Welcome!!!

When you get your Instrument Rating a great weight will be lifted from your flight planning and a few low clouds will not stand in your way of the joy of flying.

Good Luck with your training.
Cowman: you probably would have been fine had you tried it, but you can't know for sure. What you can know for sure is that right now you're alive and well, in a motel room, and you made an executive decision to wait for better weather. Nothing at all wrong with that.

I just joined a flying club and, as a low time pilot, I'll have more of these types of decisions soon. And my expectation is that I'll make good decisions and come out of it for the better.

Nice work. Give us the full debrief once you're home. :)
C35 is my second home. You missed me by a day, I have plenty of cold beverages at the cabin not far from the airport.

I know the crew car is out of service but if you need some transportation and have a motorcycle license and are "Current" I have my KLX 250 in the back of the hangar you can use. Contact me offline if your interested.

You made the correct call. The weather has been sketchy the last few days, I picked my way from C35 back to 3CK. You should be in the clear later this morning.

Safe travels.
I would rather read notes from you then read reports about you. Good choice to sit it out.

Now to radar...on my way to OSH I stopped at a planned stop for lunch and while there saw a huge storm on the FBO computer. Another OSH-bound plane stopped because there ADS-B weather showed a solid wall. After they had lunch we pulled up the METARS and saw green lights all the way north. The two-dimensional picture of the weather was bad but in three dimensions, there was plenty of clear air for us to depart. We took off about 45 minutes apart. I waited for the rain to stop, they took off in it. We both had a high crosswind to contend with but once up it was a tailwind.
My point is will the ADS-B weather picture be overly concerning-threatning-populated with weather that is not a factor?