I don't see how this is a reflection of TSA in general. I can probably get on the internet and find instances of church secretaries stealing out of the offering plate, teachers stealing lunch money, or just about anyone stealing anything. You can find all kinds of that sort of thing. It happens. The point is, they got caught. it isn't like the TSA is hiring people and saying, "hey, while you are at it, steal everything you can get your hands on."
While that is true, there is enough anecdotal evidence from a variety of markets that indicates that the TSA has a systemic problem. And that DOES reflect on the TSA in general.
Examples include:
TSA screener in DEN brings gun to workplace, gets slap on wrist but is not fired
TSA screener & LEOs at midwest airport detain passenger carrying cash from campaign rally, despite the fact that there is no limit to the amount of cash one can carry (noted that >$10K must be declared for folks leaving country).
TSA management in RIC orders airport to issue SIDA badge to convicted felon, despite the fact that issuing such a badge would be contrary to security procedures.
TSA forces woman to remove nipple ring.
TSA screener at IAD threatens passenger with detention and states that passenger has no first amendment rights when dealing with agency.
TSA LAX has passenger detained & called LEO for using NEXUS card as ID, which is on the list of acceptable IDs for security.
TSA PHL has several incidents, including inspecting checks carried by passenger and calling her husband just in case she's leaving/divorcing him.
TSA screeners leaving duty trade jokes and stories while riding bus to parking and while walking down street about passengers & exchange high-5s about harassing passengers.
Plenty more where those came from.
Systemic problems reflect on the agency as a whole. I dare say that MOST LEOs are better trained, more disciplined, and more protective of constitutional rights than are anyone in TSA (and yes, I include the air marshals after the incident involving signs posted in the break room).
If it were the occasional 'bad apple', that would be one thing. A plethora of cases that indicate systemic issues is an animal of a whole different color.
I'm not opposed to reasonable screening procedures - but the US TSA attitude is much less civil than that practiced in many other parts of the world.