Final Approach
Since there are so many computer knowledgeable folks here, I thought I'd throw this out there.
I've never taken a laptop on vacation. It's too much of a pain to carry and since I've only got the one, if I lost it or it broke en route I'd be out EVERYTHING I have, on it.
For these couple of trips I've got coming up soon I'm toying with getting a smaller, lighter one to use only on trips. It would really just be a photo reviewer, since the LCD on the camera isn't big enough to be truly useful (everything looks great on a small screen and while you can zoom, it's a pain to do that for every photo). If I had time to review my photos in the evenings while I'm on the trip that would really reduce the workload when I got home (I take a ridiculous amount of photos).
I wouldn't use this laptop for anything but photos and wifi while on trips. It would function almost as a backup hard drive (even though I already have one of those) and I've no plans to use it as a daily laptop.
Anyone have recos on something cheap, small, lightweight (or does small and lightweight preclude cheap?)
I can get an Epson P-3000 photo viewer for 450 bucks, give or take, but that only has a 4 inch LCD screen and I figure for 450 bucks I am heading towards laptop category.
I've never taken a laptop on vacation. It's too much of a pain to carry and since I've only got the one, if I lost it or it broke en route I'd be out EVERYTHING I have, on it.
For these couple of trips I've got coming up soon I'm toying with getting a smaller, lighter one to use only on trips. It would really just be a photo reviewer, since the LCD on the camera isn't big enough to be truly useful (everything looks great on a small screen and while you can zoom, it's a pain to do that for every photo). If I had time to review my photos in the evenings while I'm on the trip that would really reduce the workload when I got home (I take a ridiculous amount of photos).
I wouldn't use this laptop for anything but photos and wifi while on trips. It would function almost as a backup hard drive (even though I already have one of those) and I've no plans to use it as a daily laptop.
Anyone have recos on something cheap, small, lightweight (or does small and lightweight preclude cheap?)
I can get an Epson P-3000 photo viewer for 450 bucks, give or take, but that only has a 4 inch LCD screen and I figure for 450 bucks I am heading towards laptop category.