Touchdown! Greaser!
I still don’t think he’s getting much, if any aerodynamic benefit from the skid. He’s not doing this skidded turn immediately after takeoff because he knows better. He’s building speed to probably 80 kts and throwing it into a skid when there’s no need to do that. Could’ve gotten the same if not better and safer result but flying a coordinated Vx early, then transitioning to Vy. Even with a steeper coordinated bank, while it might be adding drag and increasing stall speed, a skid is doing the same. Either way it’s a trade off but I think the altitude gained with Vx and slower airspeed in a coordinated turn will beat his technique every time.
Yeah. I don’t disagree with any of that. I’ve flown out of this airport a few times and I give it a skid during the departure off RW02 The preferred departure is to turn left and fly over the river bed for noise abatement. Before going any farther, no, I will never let ‘noise abatement’ make me do anything I feel is unsafe. The reason I give a little extra rudder and skid it for a few seconds is to make the turn with less bank. I think it can be a little less intimidating to my passengers. Sitting right next to me there very close to the CG, they aren’t going to ‘feel’ the skid. But a think a steep bank at low altitude can be a little disconcerting to some. So I do it that way. I’m way above stall speed and if something starts happening, like the engine sputters or whatever, I can be out of the skid and coordinated in a fraction of a second.
EDIT: thought I was gettin a pic attached but doesn’t seem to be working. It’s 6K5, Sisters Eagle Airport