Slide in replacement for a KT76TSO


Line Up and Wait
Oct 8, 2018
Under the SFRA
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My transponder just failed its check, and I am looking for a slide-in replacement.

I'm asking around to see if anyone has a working, used one (message me if you have one to sell), but I am wondering if there are other tray compatible transponders I could be looking for to broaden my search.

I want to minimize downtime, and the avionics shops around here are all booked up until April, so I am looking for a zero-install option (and ideally low cost).
I have two. One with an 8130 that I bought as a spare. Sent PM.
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the avionics shops around here are all booked up until April
FYI: keep in mind you still may need the services of a avionics shop to recertify the replacment transponder (especially with ADS-B) per 91.413 regardless is it's a slide in or not.
The avionics shop near me can certify it, but they don't have shop time to bring the plane in for rewiring.
Check out Avidyne’s AXP340. I want to say that it is a slide in replacement to the KT76. It also complies with the ADSB requirement.
The Trig TY31 and it’s variants (Avidyne AXP340 or King KT74) will slide in and if you have a WAAS Gps, can be made ads-b compliant.
The TY31, AXP340 and KT74 will only work with the KT76A, I have the KT76TSO (The model before that).

ADS-B is covered by a Tailbeacon, I just need a regular old transponder.
Head to Ebay, when I was in this boat I found no slide in replacement.
Something like a Garmin 327, of which there are probably a bunch of floating around right now, might fit the bill.
No help, just sympathy as a fellow KT76 owner.
Lucked out a couple years ago when, after coaxing another cert out of my gimpy KT76, my tech called me up with a unit to swap in out of a Mooney doing its ADS-B install.
I've yet to hear of any slide-in replacements.
Best of luck!