Slam dunk approach to Destin

Flew that exact same visual approach weekend before last, twice.
I confirmed with apch that they wanted me to stay at 3,000’. They affirmed that they did! So I replied, then I’m NOT cleared for the visual!? Female controller says “err, uh, maintain Heading and altitude ”, ctc tower 118.45...

In a Comanche 250, it was a bit more interesting/Challenging! (Normal cruise is 163kts, much cleaner in descent). At least they allowed me to go further out before turning in to base/final. Even had the same helicopter crossing in front of me!

Second time I slowed down on down wind, dropped gear and flaps as on an instrument appch. Much less dramatic.

When and where I come from, a “slam dunk” means something different. I call that appch a “chop ‘n drop”. Think “shock cooling”.

btw; doesn’t Lycoming recommend NOT running lean of peak?
Flew that exact same visual approach weekend before last, twice.
I confirmed with apch that they wanted me to stay at 3,000’. They affirmed that they did! So I replied, then I’m NOT cleared for the visual!? Female controller says “err, uh, maintain Heading and altitude ”, ctc tower 118.45...

In a Comanche 250, it was a bit more interesting/Challenging! (Normal cruise is 163kts, much cleaner in descent). At least they allowed me to go further out before turning in to base/final. Even had the same helicopter crossing in front of me!

Second time I slowed down on down wind, dropped gear and flaps as on an instrument appch. Much less dramatic.

When and where I come from, a “slam dunk” means something different. I call that appch a “chop ‘n drop”. Think “shock cooling”.

btw; doesn’t Lycoming recommend NOT running lean of peak?
Yes that was what wasn’t clear- on FB we had a similar discussion and some controllers chimed in that if they clear you for the visual approach you own the airspace between you and the runway and can descend at your discretion. So yeah that is confusing but good for you to clarify.

as for lycoming, read the lycoming manual. It actually says to lean to peak EGT for less than 75% power operations. 75% or above lean to 150deg rich of peak. They also recommend no continued operations with cht 435 or greater but I prefer to keep it under 400.
I've never been to Destin from the north when the folks running the corridor didn't keep me at 3,000 until I was over the bay or at least White point.
I've never been to Destin from the north when the folks running the corridor didn't keep me at 3,000 until I was over the bay or at least White point.
A descent at the mid bay bridge is reasonable. But in ifr they have always brought me in over top of eglin and kept me there until past the pattern at 3-4K
that's why there's a slip in your card deck.

Santa Monica was that for me a couple of weeks ago.

Couldn't clear me for the ILS because I was well above the glideslope. But it didn't strike me as anything worth mentioning.
that's why there's a slip in your card deck.

Santa Monica was that for me a couple of weeks ago.

Couldn't clear me for the ILS because I was well above the glideslope. But it didn't strike me as anything worth mentioning.
no not dangerous or difficult- particularly in the PA32 as it glides like a brick, but I can imagine being in a cirrus or something more slippery and that wouldn't make for a fun day.