SkyGeek makes unhappy customer happy


Line Up and Wait
Jan 27, 2012
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I recently bought a headset from SkyGeek and had trouble with their web site, so I placed the order via cust. svc. Since I was in no hurry, I requested the lowest-cost shipping, USPS. The girl made some snippy remark about being cheap (guilty) and -- unbeknownst to me -- changed the shipping to FedEx AGAINST MY INSTRUCTIONS !! I thought about calling my credit card company and disputing the charge, but that would be carrying principle a bit too far. :dunno: I know it's only a few bucks, but the arrogant disrespect has certainly lost them my future business. :mad::mad:

Jim Spencer
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Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

This could just be the act of one employee. Do them a favor and send an email or call their management.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I recently bought a headset from SkyGeek and had trouble with their web site, so I placed the order via cust. svc. Since I was in no hurry, I requested the lowest-cost shipping, USPS. The girl made some snippy remark about being cheap (guilty) and -- unbeknownst to me -- changed the shipping to FedEx AGAINST MY INSTRUCTIONS !! I thought about calling my credit card company and disputing the charge, but that would be carrying principle a bit too far. :dunno: I know it's only a few bucks, but the arrogant disrespect has certainly lost them my future business. :mad::mad:

Jim Spencer
I hope you have at least called to let them know you are not happy about it, and ask them to refund the difference in shipping. You shouldn't pay for something you specifically told them you didn't want.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I recently bought a headset from SkyGeek and had trouble with their web site, so I placed the order via cust. svc. Since I was in no hurry, I requested the lowest-cost shipping, USPS. The girl made some snippy remark about being cheap (guilty) and -- unbeknownst to me -- changed the shipping to FedEx AGAINST MY INSTRUCTIONS !! I thought about calling my credit card company and disputing the charge, but that would be carrying principle a bit too far. :dunno: I know it's only a few bucks, but the arrogant disrespect has certainly lost them my future business. :mad::mad:

Jim Spencer

The principle of not paying for what you didn't buy? That's a principle worth standing up for. I wouldn't pay it and if it meant canceling the charge then so be it.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I hope you have at least called to let them know you are not happy about it, and ask them to refund the difference in shipping. You shouldn't pay for something you specifically told them you didn't want.

Thought about that, too. But I'd probably get the same b**** (sweet girl). :mad2:
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Thought about that, too. But I'd probably get the same b**** (sweet girl). :mad2:
That's why you call customer service, not sales, and ask for a manager.

Or write a letter expressing your displeasure and asking that the difference be refunded. That probably has an even higher chance of success.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

It is possible the problem is with the (sweet girl) and not the whole company. If it were my company, I would want to know, so I could fix it.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Were I the owner, I'd refund you the difference with an apology. Your good graces are way more important than the monetary difference, especially in a small community like ours. That, and you'd be doing the owner a service, letting him know there's defective part in the machine.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

What the others have said. I've contacted owners of all different kinds of businesses, for various reasons, including customer service. Most of the time (there are exceptions, just like everything else) they want to know, and wanted to fix it, and most importantly, wanted me happy. Once, about 15-18 years ago, Jeff (IIRC) Millis, owner of Millis Trucking, called me personally after I'd talked with his dispatcher about a truck that cut me off. While I was driving an ambulance. With lights and sirens activated. :rolleyes: I thought about this one this morning, actually, because I was behind a Millis truck for a few miles on my way to work.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Were I the owner, I'd refund you the difference with an apology. Your good graces are way more important than the monetary difference, especially in a small community like ours. That, and you'd be doing the owner a service, letting him know there's defective part in the machine.

As the future business owner (my dad isn't ready to retire...yet) of our recycling yard, I agree with the desire to being told. I have taken my share of tush-chomping about an employee not holding up their end. But it is something that I need to know because for the one that did complain, how many others were being inappropriately dealt with and harm was coming to my business?

When things aren't right, I want to know.
When I deviate from my customers freight instructions, I almost always pick up the freight expense, and often even upgrade, just because I'm a great rep.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Howdy Jim!
I am the owner of SkyGeek and would like to apologize that you received less than stellar service from our CSR on your Telex Headset. I have removed the entire freight charge in an effort to remedy the situation which is not the norm at SkyGeek. If you could please PM me if you remember the name of the CSR you spoke with so I can address this poor service in the AM. Again very sorry and I will make sure this is dealt with in the AM.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Jim, that's service! Four hours later and they corrected it, and you didn't call them, they found you! :)
Something tells me that this thread may have been pointed out to them.

Regardless, nice response. I'm one of the choir that thinks that the OP should have given them a chance in the first place before running here to trash the company over one bad apple/CSR.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

the internet is a powerful medium
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

If you could please PM me if you remember the name of the CSR you spoke with so I can address this poor service in the AM.
Can't help but to wonder why the system doesn't automatically note this on the order.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I recently bought a headset from SkyGeek and had trouble with their web site, so I placed the order via cust. svc. Since I was in no hurry, I requested the lowest-cost shipping, USPS. The girl made some snippy remark about being cheap (guilty) and -- unbeknownst to me -- changed the shipping to FedEx AGAINST MY INSTRUCTIONS !! I thought about calling my credit card company and disputing the charge, but that would be carrying principle a bit too far. :dunno: I know it's only a few bucks, but the arrogant disrespect has certainly lost them my future business. :mad::mad:

Jim Spencer
Phone: 845.677.5010. Ask for Steven Styles. He owns Sky Geek. He is a great guy and will make sure to take care of you. We had a situation where we were overcharged $1000 (not his fault) and he gave us a credit. Don't assume Sky Geek is some impersonal super store. They are pretty nice guys. We had our plane maintained there for several years.

EDIT: Never mind. I see Steven got here first.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I always believe that, when a service-oriented business has a problem, you should tell them about it; how they react then really tells the tale.

I am ecstatic that the SkyGeek himself has popped in to preserve honor. Bravo!
Well I haven't done business with them, but now I will give them a shot.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

It is possible the problem is with the (sweet girl) and not the whole company. If it were my company, I would want to know, so I could fix it.

Could be, could also be that they make something off the FedEx charges and it's policy to use them.
For the record, I've never had any problems with SkyGeek, and am glad to see they're on top of it, customer service-wise. Nicely done.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Something tells me that this thread may have been pointed out to them.

Regardless, nice response. I'm one of the choir that thinks that the OP should have given them a chance in the first place before running here to trash the company over one bad apple/CSR.

Or they do frequent google searches on the company name. Either way, good on them!
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Howdy Jim!
I am the owner of SkyGeek and would like to apologize that you received less than stellar service from our CSR on your Telex Headset. I have removed the entire freight charge in an effort to remedy the situation which is not the norm at SkyGeek. If you could please PM me if you remember the name of the CSR you spoke with so I can address this poor service in the AM. Again very sorry and I will make sure this is dealt with in the AM.

Great job sir................

And... I see this is your first post... Welcome to POA.:yesnod::yesnod::)
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Ive bought a bunch of items from them the past month and had zero issues with them at all.

For them to sign up and post to make it right , adds another reason to deal with them in my book.
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Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

My next order will be with SkyGeek. That is fantastic CS.


Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Howdy Jim!
I am the owner of SkyGeek and would like to apologize that you received less than stellar service from our CSR on your Telex Headset. I have removed the entire freight charge in an effort to remedy the situation which is not the norm at SkyGeek. If you could please PM me if you remember the name of the CSR you spoke with so I can address this poor service in the AM. Again very sorry and I will make sure this is dealt with in the AM.

See now that response right there will make me put them on the list of Aviation suppliers that I will patronize.

Something tells me that this thread may have been pointed out to them.

Regardless, nice response. I'm one of the choir that thinks that the OP should have given them a chance in the first place before running here to trash the company over one bad apple/CSR.

Ditto Jason. Then again pilots love to complain as much as they like to fly.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Something tells me that this thread may have been pointed out to them.

Regardless, nice response. I'm one of the choir that thinks that the OP should have given them a chance in the first place before running here to trash the company over one bad apple/CSR.


The OP should have never trashed the company without giving them a chance to fix it. Shame on him.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Quick question for the owner of Sky Geek, do you give commissions or bonuses on 'upsells' and/or period defined bottom lines? I often find they are at the root of these issues.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Damn. The OP may have whined in the wrong place....
I find when I complain, I force myself to end my complaint with a scenario that will shut me up and make me almost never fails that that is exactly what ends up happening...
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I've done business with Skygeek many times over the past few years and have had nothing but positive things to say about them. This thread tells me that even if I did run into a problem, management will take care of it. Nicely done!
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

LOL! Mad rant turns into free positive publicity. Seems understands the innarwebz I exhaust all options before bitching on the internet.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

Never heard of skygeek before. Definitely going to keep them as a purchase option in the future, though.

Funny how the thread backfired in a positive direction! :rofl:
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

And not a word of thanks or gratitude from he OP to Skygeek . Not a word. :dunno:

See it is not enough for Jim Spencer to bash a good company over a silly shipping charge mistake, Jim Spencer avoided paying sales tax (illegally) in the Great State Of Texas in which he resides. I'm sure Jim Spencer, being the honest pilot he is will now contact the Texas Department of Revenue and pay his fair share taxes.

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Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I don't blame him for wanting to blow off some steam with fellow pilots. But now that it has been made more than right, it would seem that SkyGeek is owed a word of thanks for handling it quickly. Of course, OP may be just waiting to verify that SkyGeek has done what he said he would do. :dunno:
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I wonder if the whole thing was a misunderstanding between the two parties.

It started with having problems with the website.
I've never had any problems with the website. I'm curious as to what those problems were.

With any luck , "the call may have been recorded for quality assurance " and then the truth will be known.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

And not a word of thanks or gratitude from he OP to Skygeek . Not a word. :dunno:


Sorry, I sleep sometimes. Guess you must be up all night on your computer.

Just got up and read the happenings and I'm very impressed with the response from SkyGeek's owner. I'm sending him a PM to tell him.

Take a pill, Geico.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I wonder if the whole thing was a misunderstanding between the two parties.

It started with having problems with the website.
I've never had any problems with the website. I'm curious as to what those problems were.

With any luck , "the call may have been recorded for quality assurance " and then the truth will be known.

And he called the order person a *****. Nice.
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

If it were I, I would call him...
Re: I won't be doing business with SkyGeek again

I usually give a place a couple of chances before I go ahead and bash them. Sometimes employees have bad days, and I take that into account.