Skycatcher DA

So the TO distance charts for my PA-32-260 show TO distance vs density altitude. The maximum DA on the chart is 7000'. In the Denver area the DA is over 7000' whenever the temp is above about 70 def F. Further the chart has the following note "Extrapolation of chart above 7000 feet is invalid." Nowhere in the POH does it tell you what to do for DAs over 7k.
Sometimes you gotta be smarter than the POH. If you run out of performance chart at high DA, use this:
And I'll bet someone has developed an app for it, too.

...but do NOT try linear extrapolation, which will significantly and perhaps critically overestimate performance.
I spoke with one of the B-1 pilots at Ellsworth (during the Dakota Thunder 2011 Awesomeness) about takeoff and he said that full AB is SOP. But the tables include data for power settings lower than that.

So the AF paid for power setting data that they don't use, but not for temperatures which are common throughout the US and many places that a B-1 could be deployed to.:dunno:

Yes, they also did not buy 55degree wingsweep performance data. Only 15, 20, 25, and full aft which I think was 67.5 degrees. They went back and got the 55 degree data for tactical performance.
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