Brrrrr! Thanks for the warning! I'll make sure to pack some long pants and a sweatshirt.JRitt said:I can wait till Oshkosh. Its supposed to be in the low 80's there next week.
astanley said:I rode 67 miles yesterday and it was bleeping hot.
Bill Jennings said:Push bike or motor?
Ghery said:Last I looked it was around 80 degrees with a light breeze in Princeville on the island of Kauai. They don't call this place "paradise" for nothing.
Next week I get to go to Washington DC and Boston. Hope it cools down in the next week.
astanley said:Yeah, the winter makes riding with lights nearly mandatory for all after work stuff. I can leave work at 6, pound out 35 miles on the road bike, and be eating a nice relaxing dinner on the deck at 8:30 with a cold beer and the sunset joining Jessie and I!
I rode 67 miles yesterday and it was bleeping hot. There was one point where it literally felt like my skin was frying.
woodstock said:I hope you wear sunscreen and have plenty of loose fiber clothing on. they make sunscreen clothing now too. (higher SPF - I know all clothes help to an extent).
astanley said:I've never been that hot in my life (Vanson perf. leather be damned)
astanley said:Push bike...
Darrell111 said:Here in Dallas we are sitting on a 102F temp (feels like 105) and im about to go run 4.5 miles in it!! LOVE IT!
Bill Jennings said:I really should start riding the bicycle again someday...
HPNFlyGirl said:Darrell....DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!!!!!
Michael said:you big babies. Its been pushin 120 here for a month straight. Sheesh....we know when to turn the air on and stay inside
astanley said:Hey Ghery, if you have the time while you are here, the beer is on me (or the non-alcoholic beverage of your choice). I'm in Boston pretty frequently....
fgcason said:Whatcha gonna do if the power goes out?
The AC is on. It's not doing squat except tripling the electric bill.
Besides, staying inside isn't any fun at all.
Give me 20 below any day over this. If I wanted this torture, I could just set the knob on my oven to "melt rock" and climb in.
Michael said:you big babies. Its been pushin 120 here for a month straight. Sheesh....we know when to turn the air on and stay inside
fgcason said:Whatcha gonna do if the power goes out?
DeeG said:My ex boss has a place in Bullhead. Spent many days there.
Land as quickly as possible. Open doors, vents etc as you taxi off runway. Taxi as fast as you can down to parking w/o catching brakes on fire (IFP has a WONDERFUL taxiway.... I hear that it may be used as a 'mountain stage' in the next Tour de France).
If you don't have a/c, you get your lawnchair and a 12 pack of your favorite beverage to the waters edge as quick as you can. daybreak is good, cause its already 96F out by then. Set chair in water so when you sit in it, the water comes up to your chest. Place beverage in water next to you. Drink as needed. Don't move until the sun goes down.
fgcason said:Whatcha gonna do if the power goes out?
Sorry about losing power, Joe. It makes us realize how dependent we have become on things like electricity. We had the same front come through here last night. We did not lose power, but some friends of mine in Westchester County lost power for about 6 hours.Joe Williams said:House was still dark and warm this morning. PECO says at least tomorrow till we have power back. If we get it then we'll be grateful, because they are saying some folks won't have it back until the weekend.
Ouch! Good luck with the outage situation Joe. I hope they get your power back on soon. As dangerous as an electrical storm is, they are quite beautiful to watch. Something stark and primal about them.Joe Williams said:Exactly. Last night here, good strong cold front met lots of very hot humid air. The results were predictable, and impressive. Sky turned green, had me and Cathy looking for tornados and listening for the the horns, then all the trees about got flattened (actually, it turns out a sizable number DID get flattened), the sky turned black, and we were surrounded by non-stop lightening right over the house. Very impressive, very noisy.... house very dark, and quickly very warm We spent the next couple hours on the porch watching the backside of the storm as it moved to the east. Impressive, and beautiful. Towering clouds constantly being lit up from inside by the lightening. Really pretty.
House was still dark and warm this morning. PECO says at least tomorrow till we have power back. If we get it then we'll be grateful, because they are saying some folks won't have it back until the weekend. According to the news on the radio this AM, we had hurricane force winds. Royersford is certainly a mess.
Michael said:you big babies. Its been pushin 120 here for a month straight. Sheesh....we know when to turn the air on and stay inside
Joe Williams said:House was still dark and warm this morning. PECO says at least tomorrow till we have power back.
Anthony said:Yeah, but its a DRY HEAT.
We set a record in Denver last weekend. 104 F.