Touchdown! Greaser!
I think the blades on my prop move six and one quarter feet forward over the ground in still air, each time they make a complete revolution, during cruise.
I set the rpm at 2400 and get on ave; 150kts. I don't think any other information is required.
So, each bang of a cylinder propels me about 2 feet. (io520)
Since you are wondering, I also figured the fuel:
If I run LOP I can get about 12gph in many cases. So I think it comes out to one-twentieth of an ml of 100LL for each of those three cylinders that propelled me that 6.25feet. Doesn't sound like much.
I set the rpm at 2400 and get on ave; 150kts. I don't think any other information is required.
So, each bang of a cylinder propels me about 2 feet. (io520)
Since you are wondering, I also figured the fuel:
If I run LOP I can get about 12gph in many cases. So I think it comes out to one-twentieth of an ml of 100LL for each of those three cylinders that propelled me that 6.25feet. Doesn't sound like much.