SI consideration for new authorization next exam date


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 4, 2018
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I have a 3rd class medical issued last October with an SI not valid for any class after Oct 31st 2019.

In my SI letter it says:

"Consideration for new Authorization will be contingent upon the following:

1. A physical examination (FAA Form 8500-8) by a designated AME will be required at the frequency prescribed under the provisions of Title 14 of the CFRs, Section 61.23. Your next third-class application will be due in October 2020."

Is this just some cut and paste thing? Per FAR 61.23 3rd class well under 40 is due every 60 months...
So when can he convert to Basic Med? I've heard confusing things about that with SIs, expiration dates, etc.
So when can he convert to Basic Med? I've heard confusing things about that with SIs, expiration dates, etc.

Now if the OP wants to. I would get a physical scheduled sometime in October and then take the online course...
So when can he convert to Basic Med? I've heard confusing things about that with SIs, expiration dates, etc.

my opinion: only when he holds a medical certificate without restrictions.
my opinion: only when he holds a medical certificate without restrictions.

This would seem to be contrary to all the BasicMed guidance I have seen. Are you saying an airman isn't able to fly under BasicMed until they are able to obtain a medical certificate without an SI?
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Right so the FAR they cited unambiguously says 60 months but then they interpreted it as 24. Did they cite the wrong FAR?
Not necessarily. When you have an SI, it is possible that this restricts the time period to shorter time than the under 40 years old time frame. The nature of the SI condition might have the FAA wanting to see updated information from the AME on a more frequent basis. More details will be on the "specifications" pages of your SI letter.
Not necessarily. When you have an SI, it is possible that this restricts the time period to shorter time than the under 40 years old time frame. The nature of the SI condition might have the FAA wanting to see updated information from the AME on a more frequent basis. More details will be on the "specifications" pages of your SI letter.

Elsewhere in the letter they say they want status reports sent in to okc before Oct 2019.

I'm talking about the physical exam

"A physical examination (FAA Form 8500-8) by a designated AME will be required at the frequency prescribed under the provisions of Title 14 of the CFRs, Section 61.23."

So you go to Title 14 of the CFRs, Section 61.23;rgn=div8;view=text;node=14:

And the frequency prescribed is 60 calendar months.
Call them and ask.

Just got off the phone with OKC, they said the letter should say October 2023 and they're sending a new letter.

They said it happens a lot. If anyone else has a special issuance it wouldn't be a bad idea to check the authorization letter for contradictions.
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