I don't understand your question. You are asking about whether or not it's safe to upgrade to 8.0.2 but you also say you already have it?
If you already upgraded to 8.anything, yes, upgrade to 8.0.2. 8.0.1 was the one that had the big problems. 8.0 didn't have the HealthKit support in it and also had some more minor problems that they tried to fix with 8.0.1 and screwed up. If you're on 8, you should be on 8.0.2.
This. The 4s is 2 years old now and if you haven't already upgraded to 8.something, I would not do so. Like any major new release with lots of new features under the hood, it takes more power to run it and you'll likely not be happy with the performance of the 4s after the upgrade.
I suggest that if you aren't doing the 2-year hardware upgrade cycle, that you not go more than one major OS version above what the hardware originally came with. Thus, I wouldn't go higher than iOS 7 on a 4s, higher than 6 on an iPhone 4, etc. With that "rule" in mind, I would only upgrade to 8 if you have the following hardware:
iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+ (the last two came with it)
iPad Mini, original or Retina
iPad "4", iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad Mini Retina.