Should I report?



Hi everyone,

Basically, I'm considering trying to become an airline pilot but have one specific concern: a past diagnosis of depression. Now this diagnosis was a couple years ago and while I took medication for it then I am no longer on anything and am doing well.

However, two of the 8500 questions are worrying me. The first being the one which asks whether I've ever had depression, and the second is when it asks you to list your recent medical appointments. These are worrying me because yes, I was obviously diagnosed with depression and had to see a psychiatrist a few years ago.

Would disclosing this screw me? I really just don't know what to do.
Not disclosing is a federal crime and will screw you as well when it comes to light.

But yes, there are hoops to jump through. How many depends on just what was prescribed and what the diagnosis is.
Not disclosing is a federal crime and will screw you as well when it comes to light.

But yes, there are hoops to jump through. How many depends on just what was prescribed and what the diagnosis is.
Yuh. That sort of lie is a class 4 felony. When you get convicted, you become unable to get hired even to drive a school bus....

...besides FAA can get your diagnosis and pharmacy codes....
Worse than getting caught is not getting caught. You'll always wonder for years "will I get that phone call" - all these years, all this money - and what job am I going to get now? How do I explain to any future employer that is remotely related to what I'm qualified to do " Yeah, I got kicked out of the airlines for not being truthful and keeping it buried for years, putting the airline at risk. But don't worry about that...."
Would disclosing this screw me? I really just don't know what to do.
Let's put it this way.

Without commenting on the morality of lying to the government, until you consult with an AME worth the consulting fee to find out where you stand and what hoops you may or may not have to jump through, I think it is foolish to talk about the risks of getting caught committing a federal crime. As a general rule, I don't think it's wise to covert a medical issue into a legal one.
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