I got my private about 5 years ago and have just over 100 hours, so needless to say I haven't been flying a lot. Finally at a point where I can commit more time/money to flying so looking at buying a plane and flying 1-200hrs/yr pretty steadily from here on with several longer cross country missions so obviously need (& want) an instrument rating. I feel like I'm somewhat rusty on a fair amount of the book knowledge from getting my private although I do feel safe and on top of everything on each flight I do go on but it's mostly simple local missions. So my question is do you think I should re-read through the private material before beginning IR studying or will studying for the IR basically cover that refresh anyways? I'm sure things related to IR will go more in depth (like weather, instruments) but not sure about other fundamentals/basics -- or how important that knowledge is -- for example, I'm not very confident in my knowledge of the differences wing shapes, in practicality does this matter much? Also figure eventually I'll go for commercial, CFI where these things will come up again but I'm in no hurry to get those, mainly IR. Appreciate any thoughts/advice.