Pattern Altitude
That's one way to do it...
Now that's a short field landing,
I haven't read the linked article not shall I. The thread title reminds me of a post I made some years back. I said I landed a PA-28 Warrior II in 400 feet. Some, including pilots I highly respect, said it couldn't have been done 'cept the aircraft would be unairworthy after the fact.
Judge for yourself. KFAT RWY 11R, clear at what is now B12.
Excessive braking in a tail dragger can lift the tail very quickly. Some planes are harder to recover than others. Cubs flip pretty easily, Skywagons not so much. Sometimes even good pilots make mistakes and sometimes the brakes may contribute when the pilot wasn't expecting it, like after filling the brake masters on a cool morning and landing on a warm afternoon. Stuff happens.