Share your favorite aviation picture(s) from this month!


Pre-takeoff checklist
Feb 16, 2016
Arvada, CO
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December always seems to be a slow time for me in aviation... I fly recreationally these days, and winter weather coupled with the holiday season always seems to slow my roll a little bit.

So, I thought it would be fun to see some recent aviation pictures that any of you have taken. These can be pictures from flying, pictures of aircraft, or anything aviation related!

I'll start us out with some pictures of a P-51 Mustang I photographed yesterday at KBJC. I love the P-51, and "Stang Evil" is based on my field, so I occasionally see him flying around. But, this was the first time I actually got the chance to photograph this bird.

I seem to be having trouble directly uploading these pictures (I'll try again in a bit), but here they are nevertheless:

So, what aviation photographs have you guys taken lately?
This is my favorite flying picture of the month because I took it yesterday while finally bringing the J-3 back from its annual. Pictured is the upper end of Lake Sakakawea. No ice fishing houses were out on the lake yet, but I did fly over a few on the lower Yellowstone River and a couple on the Missouri River before the point where it opens up to the reservoir. Sorry that I didn't open the window for this one. As you can see, the terrain below is not conducive to finding a dropped phone.

Nice FB page, Kevin. Beautiful lighting on the Thomason's. Gave your page a like.

I have a friend that flies Red Nose for the CAF. P51 is a beautiful plane!
Beautiful pic Ari!
Thanks. Glad I took it and wishing I had flown until the sun set to take more from around our area. An Alberta Clipper came through last night and the 50mph gusts blew a lot of snow off of the buttes and dirt onto the plains so the landscape isn't quite so pure and white now.

Nice FB page, Kevin.
Ditto to this. It's great to see airplanes through the eyes of professional photographers who know how to highlight the personality of a plane and the freedom of flight with light.
One of the only ones I took.

Thanks! I've loved all my planes! Lots of respect for the SR22. Things I don't like: no steerable nose-wheel (hate that!) and high maintenance costs. Won't say things I like because I suspect a good Cirrus debate would derail a nice thread like this. ;)

I've had a couple 182's in the past, and am really looking forward to my last airplane (how many times have I said that?) :rolleyes:
Things I don't like: no steerable nose-wheel (hate that!)...

Funny, I prefer free-castering nose wheels and don't really care for steerable ones.

Now that I replied to this thread maybe I'll remember to take a picture next time I'm up, unlike the other 3 flights so far this month. :rolleyes:
To get into the Christmas spirit I flew through the North Cascades to Mount Baker and Mount Shuksan earlier this month. In addition to the pictures, I made a 3 minute video of my flight set to Christmas music. It did the job of getting me in the mood for busy holidays ahead. Here are some shots and a link to the video:



Yep. First of 6 we've gotten this past month. About 70 more on the way.
It looks like a great classroom to me. I'll wave if I see one of them this far west, but I think most UND Aviation students consider Devils Lake to be the western limit of the known world, beyond here be dragons. (Spoiler alert: They're right. We keep dragons in the Badlands.)
It looks like a great classroom to me. I'll wave if I see one of them this far west, but I think most UND Aviation students consider Devils Lake to be the western limit of the known world, beyond here be dragons. (Spoiler alert: They're right. We keep dragons in the Badlands.)

Hahaha. Ya Bismark and Devils Lake seem to be as far west as many students go. I've got some long XCs in the next semester so maybe....although Duluth and MSP to the east are hard to beat. And yes the new Archers are very very nice.
Hahaha. Ya Bismark and Devils Lake seem to be as far west as many students go. I've got some long XCs in the next semester so maybe....although Duluth and MSP to the east are hard to beat. And yes the new Archers are very very nice.
I graduated from a ground-based department of the College of Aerospace Sciences in 2003, so I was surrounded by people who believed all of North Dakota was flat. I always told them to do their long cross-country KGFK.KISN.KDIK.KGFK and then report back on the topic. One actually took me up on it, I think. Now, my only request is that if you know anyone who decides that west is best, please get him or her to make a stop at S25...and bring a whole salami grinder with colby cheese and taco meat. Thanks!
Love these pics! Haven't flown enough this month to get any good ones myself (weather). Makes me a sad panda.
Love these pics! Haven't flown enough this month to get any good ones myself (weather). Makes me a sad panda.

My pics above were the first time in 4 weeks I had flown. This is my first winter flying in the Midwest and so far it makes me notice even more how gray this area of the country can be. But we choose to live here and I don't think we're leaving any time soon (unless I find my dream CFO/co-pilot job). :D
Got the former, working on the latter!


I actually turned an offer down in Bakersfield years ago because I would've had to run the books for an unsavory (to me) side business for the CEO. Let me know if you find the latter and need a 2nd in command. :cornut:
Is that one of UND's new Pipers that you're babying in the hangar?

'Babying' is the right description. Looks like it is so cold in North Dakota they blanket the cowls even inside the hangar :eek: :D

Those are some tough students they got there!
'Babying' is the right description. Looks like it is so cold in North Dakota they blanket the cowls even inside the hangar :eek: :D

Those are some tough students they got there!

We've got engine covers on all the planes and they're such a pain especially when it's windy (which is always). Keeps them running though. It was negative 17 ambient when I left for Christmas break a few days ago...builds character.