I am based at STS and appreciate the tower. It is a training tower and we all get along quite nicely. Warbirds, Robinsons, Horizon, and the Cessna,Piper,RV gang but we are not as busy or congested as Little untowered Petaluma just down the road.
Will I miss it, sure, will it be as easy to get in and out, you bet, probably easier.
No ground control to call, we can wave and thumbs up to our neighbors on the ramp and taxiways. We will have to be more heads-up and on a swivel but that is good practice as well.
I agree with the OP the radio practice was/is nice and feel fortunate to have had it while I was being trained, but next we get to work on our Non-Towered skills, and the return to social courtesy around the air-patch.
Skyscraper, If you hear Skyhawk 79021 in the pattern -- I'll call your base...
I am in the Butler building across from the Defunct DragonFly school. Stop by and say HI.