Sell Boat to Fund Airplane


Feb 13, 2012
Gilbert AZ. VFR All Year Baby
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Drone airspace abuser
Wife says too many toys. She Says "If you want an airplane sell the boat".
So the boat is paid for but if I would to sell it, the money would go towards a down payment on an airplane. Humm boating and flying love them both.

Now here is the real kicker. Wife lost interest in boating because she cannot tolerate the heat anymore. She likes to fly but doesn't have a love for it. She can take it or leave it.
Kids likes to boat but has the same complaints. The heat is killing the fun. Kids likes to fly but they can take it or leave it. I have a 13yr son that is like dad who loves to boat and fly. He has became my boating and flying buddy.

Should I just stand up and be a man and not give up the boat? That means waiting longer on purchasing an airplane. I want to save up more for the down payment.

Thanks for listening to my rant.
I don't feel like there's an answer to this one that doesn't come from your own head. I wouldn't sell MY boat for a down payment on an aircraft, but my boat wouldn't be much of a down payment on any aircraft I'd want to buy, $5K only goes so far! I feel like if the heat is a problem, maybe AZ isn't for your family! Also, bimini tops are pretty cheap as a solution to the boating thing, and also getting in the water.

We only take the boat out 6-7 weekends a year, but I still enjoy boating and it's much cheaper than flying, at least for the level of boat I run. Once you start getting into large cruisers (40ft+) things start adding up quick. We don't pay for storage, and we rarely have problems/failures on our boat since we've owned it for 20+ years so we know it intimately and do all of our own service work. We can bring others along much more easily with boating than with aviation, and the entertainment value per unit of time is usually much better with boating.

I just don't see much crossover in the decision outside of "I like to do both".
I'm trying to convince myself wife is right too many toys. I think this would be easier to give up the boat if I already own an airplane.
Maybe I just hang onto the boat until I purchase an airplane. I wanted more money for a down payment but it isn't necessary.
hhmmm, tough call for sure. let me ask you you like sex (with your wife)? if so then u may want to sell the boat. women always seem to get in the way of our toys.

the boat sounds like the more family oriented thing to do. I like the bimini top idea. but maybe you can rent a boat for the couple of times you get the whole family wanting to go?
I'm trying to convince myself wife is right too many toys. I think this would be easier to give up the boat if I already own an airplane.
Maybe I just hang onto the boat until I purchase an airplane. I wanted more money for a down payment but it isn't necessary.

Buy a seaplane. Win-win!
I don't think that it's "being a man" to stand up and say you're keeping both, I think that's asking for issues in your marriage.

If boating is something that you and your son love doing together, I think that I would keep the boat. Going fishing costs you almost nothing, going flying (even if you own the plane) costs a lot more. Quality one-on-one time with your kids is important, so I think keeping it as a father/son activity makes sense. I'm not much for fishing but even I'm thinking of buying a few fishing poles.

If you and your son also enjoy flying together but the family doesn't care as much about it, I would look at the mission and buy accordingly. Do you actually want to travel places as a family via GA? If the answer is no (it sounds it), then you might want to look into some form of partnership in a 172 or even just some little 2-seat taildragger or experimental that you and your son could bomb around in. That might be more affordable. Or you could find it makes more sense just to rent. Sole ownership is nice, don't get me wrong, but I find many people who own would probably be better off in a club or partnership.
Well, I could add to it and say that it's sometimes easier to rent a boat than own one, for those who rarely go out or just don't want to hassle with it. If all you need is a pontoon/ski/fishing boat, they're usually readily available around most popular lakes. If you currently boat with something faster/bigger it's much more difficult to rent, so keeping the boat you have would be better.

Same could be said for the aircraft. If you just occasionally go up in a 172 or Cherokee, you can rent them at tons of places. However, if it's your desire to get somewhere quicker or with more payload, renting a Cirrus/Bo/Cherokee 6 can be a lot harder to do.
I have a boat, jet ski, airplane, camper, and motorcycle. I can't imagine life without any of them.

Sell the boat, buy the airplane, then put your man pants on and buy a better and more expensive boat just to prove the point.

I really should be a marriage counsoler.

I don't understand the hot boat thing. If you're hot, jump in the water.

Boat rental here costs a fortune. It'd only take a couple of weekends before the rental costs would exceed the cost of my boat.

I've put a total of about $200 in parts into my boat since I've had it, which has been about 3 years. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to own than an airplane.
Boat rental here costs a fortune. It'd only take a couple of weekends before the rental costs would exceed the cost of my boat.

I've put a total of about $200 in parts into my boat since I've had it, which has been about 3 years. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to own than an airplane.

That was exactly our logic behind buying the boat. We figured that we could use the boat for 10 trips to the lake, set it on fire, and still be ahead.

We've had it for almost 2 years, used it way more than 10 times, and put under $500 into it thus far (other than gas). It's the cheapest toy we own.
sounds like your about to reach the husband triple crown. You have to break all three "Cardinal Rules" - If it Floats, Flys or F%^*s, rent it.

You already have 1 & 3, so go ahead and add #2.

I don't understand the hot boat thing. If you're hot, jump in the water.

No kidding, it's going to be in the 90s here this weekend, I expect to spend a lot of time floating in the water. It's really nice actually.
I don't get the heat thing. That's what the water is there for. Last I checked, boats on float on it.
I'm assuming that moving is not an option. If it is, I would say move to California because then you get warm, but not hot. Others have suggested obvious solutions to the boating problem, but I'll add another. Only go boating when it's not hot. It's not always hot where you live, is it?

As to the money/toys question, I will say that owning a plane will cost you a heap more money annually than the boat. If money is tight, or an issue, I would keep the boat and rent the plane. If the thought of continuing renting planes makes you sick, depressed, or want to quit flying, then you have answered your question. Sell the boat and get the plane. Which does your son like better, boating of flying? Also there are cheap ways to go boating and be on the water, but not so many cheap ways to fly and be in the air.
I don't understand the hot boat thing. If you're hot, jump in the water.

Well, there are some whack-jobs out there who have bought boats with black gelcoat or interiors. Looks slick, but I bet it's enough to scald exposed skin!
For the win ... right there ^
I have an unnatural fascination with the Republic SeaBee. Kinda fugly looking, but in a good way. Would be a blast to have one and load up stuff and fly to a dive or fish site.
Get rid of the wife. Keep the boat. Buy an airplane.

Why do I have to be the guy to think of everything around here? ;) ;)
Dude, you are not the guy who thinks of everything, we all thought of that answer. sheesh!

Most of us are just too courteous to actually say or write it.

Or is that too chicken? o_O
Compromise and get a partner in the boat and plane. Then you have half of each, equaling only one toy from the toy budget.
Ok Ok so some of your comments just jump in the water or get a bimimi top. I have both covered. I wish I had a Cabin cruiser with AC for the wife to duck down into.
Are there any AZ boaters here? Its the hot sun that is beating down on you in the afternoon that a killer. I tolerate heat and sun better than my wife.
If I give up my boat I will be very sad because I will be seeing boats going down the road and I no longer have a boat.
Boating is also hobby for me. I like working on my boat and fixing anything that needs fixing.

Here is a thought. You can boat year round in AZ so if she goes boating with me we will go in the winter :) the water may be cold to swim but its not the swimming i care for. I like the open water and racing along in my boat.

I have been married for 25 years so I know about a happy wife happy life.
I am glad I have a awesome wife! I have 6 motorcycles, a Baja outlaw 29 twin engine boat, Kawasaki 310 jet ski, and 3 airplanes! Me and my son play on the weekend.
I am just a average dude with a average job, maybe I do work a little harder than most???
My wife does not ask for much, just food on the table.
Guys at work ask how I do it... I tell them I don't buy a pack of smokes everyday, don't drink much or hang in bars and damn sure don't go on $5000 vacations every year.
Got a guy here that drives a broke dawn truck, lives in a shack, barely makes a 40 hour week, complains non stop about being broke. He just took out a $15,000 loan to go to Hawaii! I don't get it!
Keep the boat and add a airplane! If you have to work a couple extra hours a day who cares...
My wife wants one big toy of her own. A Classic Mustang. If I buy that airplane I better be arriving home in a Classic mustang for here. Yikes!
Let her get a Mustang too :)
Me and the wife do things a little different also. We both have jobs, we each have our own bank account and we both buy what we want.. We never argue about money! It has been like this since the day we got married 15 years ago.. She wants a new Corvette soon... I told her cool! Can't wait until she gets is so I can drive it on weekends :)
Buy a seaplane. Win-win!


I saw a sweet deal on both a little speed aboat and a like new lazer 3000, both times I ended up thinking it's really not that cool when I could jus go take the amphib up.

Same with fishing or hunting from lakes, the seaplane really just kills the desire to have a boat, yeah it would be cool, but how many times would I take a big engine boat out when I could just fire up the 185.

As for the wife, I'm a younger guy, but also a firm believer in you needing to be able to live your own life, had a girl friend for quite some time who ended up telling me it was her or the motorcycle (crotch rocket) and my skydiving rig, I still have the bike and my rig. It's not that my entire life revolves around riding and jumping, it's I will never change my life for someone else and I'd never even dream of telling someone to get rid of a passion or something in their life they enjoy.

Just take some time and consider if you really would be happier with or without your current woman.
If it flys ,floats or ( you get it) rent it. Decide what your priority is and decide what is most important to you. Then buy what comes out on top.
Ok Ok so some of your comments just jump in the water or get a bimimi top. I have both covered. I wish I had a Cabin cruiser with AC for the wife to duck down into.
Are there any AZ boaters here? Its the hot sun that is beating down on you in the afternoon that a killer. I tolerate heat and sun better than my wife.
If I give up my boat I will be very sad because I will be seeing boats going down the road and I no longer have a boat.
Boating is also hobby for me. I like working on my boat and fixing anything that needs fixing.

Here is a thought. You can boat year round in AZ so if she goes boating with me we will go in the winter :) the water may be cold to swim but its not the swimming i care for. I like the open water and racing along in my boat.

I have been married for 25 years so I know about a happy wife happy life.

Yesterday was the last day of school for our school system, and I wanted to go to the lake and out on our boat. It was my younger daughter's last day uf middle school, and she wanted t stay all day and ride the bus home with her friends, so we got a late start, didn't leave the house until almost 5 PM, and got stuck in rush hour traffic. We didn't get to the marina until 6:15. It probably took us 15 minutes to carry everything to the dock, uncover the boat, put up the top, and stow everything. After that, everything was glorious. The sun was low enough to where we didn't need sunscreen, and it wasn't overly hot on your skin. We stayed out until almost sunset. My wife and eldest daughter took a nice long ride on the inflatable, and the eldest got in a long kneeboard ride and a few tries at the wakeboard, for the first time in a few years. We'll be doing more weekday evenings, you can be sure of that.

It's quality that matters, not quantity. If the sun's too hot, go in the evening.
I've been married to my wife for 7 years now. I will add that his isn't my first marriage. She "lets" me buy whatever I want. However, the agreement we have is we only pay cash for things we buy.

I'm presently looking at a $56,000 182 because I can pay cash with plenty of reserve left in savings.

If you love your boat, (I've owned 5) keep it. Save up your cash until you can afford an airplane.

Women are all about financial security.
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Let her get a Mustang too :)
Me and the wife do things a little different also. We both have jobs, we each have our own bank account and we both buy what we want.. We never argue about money! It has been like this since the day we got married 15 years ago.. She wants a new Corvette soon... I told her cool! Can't wait until she gets is so I can drive it on weekends :)

This is exactly the arrangement my wife and I have. Officially married now 19 years and together as a couple for 34 years. We have our own accounts and together we have a joint account to deal with the day to day shared expenses. Works incredibly well and we never fight about money.
Buy her a billion btu air conditioner for the house. Let her keep cool while you're out enjoying life with your son. Besides, if the toys are all paid for, what's the bfd? New toy, new bill. If you can handle it, keep them all.
A friend of mine has a second house, 150 miles north on a lake. He's up there every weekend he can spare. The SO works friday, teaches riding at night and weekends. She doesn't always join him there. Some things you share, some things you go your own way.
I have 3 boys and one is just like dad with boating and airplane. Love them both. We have a 32ft travel trailer and atv toys so those are the family outing toys. Giving up the boat would be hard.

We don't really believe in the separate bank accounts thing. Our money is pooled in to multiple accounts and any big purchases we discuss.

I'm going to drag my feet about selling the boat and way over price it on CL. All my wife asking is have I list it on CL.
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