I’m new here. I found this site while googling my medical incident. I’m looking for answers to possibly give me some direction.
A quick run down.
November 2019 I had a mild headache for a few days in. A coupleof days later my left side gets really weak. After a 4.5 day jaunt in the hospital it turns out a had an arachnoid cyst in my head (probably since birth) and it burst and caused fluid to form in my brain cavity. (No trauma) They drained my head of excess fluid and I was up and fully functioning a few days later. Never lost consciousness, no seizures. Just headaches and weakness in left side. All have since cleared up, life back to normal. I’m a healthy male with absolutely no health issues.
I have self grounded myself and just recently started looking into getting back into the flying scene. Am I done flying? I’m assuming the FAA will put me through the ringer to get airborne again. Any advice or tips?
I’m new here. I found this site while googling my medical incident. I’m looking for answers to possibly give me some direction.
A quick run down.
November 2019 I had a mild headache for a few days in. A coupleof days later my left side gets really weak. After a 4.5 day jaunt in the hospital it turns out a had an arachnoid cyst in my head (probably since birth) and it burst and caused fluid to form in my brain cavity. (No trauma) They drained my head of excess fluid and I was up and fully functioning a few days later. Never lost consciousness, no seizures. Just headaches and weakness in left side. All have since cleared up, life back to normal. I’m a healthy male with absolutely no health issues.
I have self grounded myself and just recently started looking into getting back into the flying scene. Am I done flying? I’m assuming the FAA will put me through the ringer to get airborne again. Any advice or tips?