Second gliding lesson

Well, now it's cancelled - High winds. Our "rain" date is next Sunday the 20th. We start flying gliders at 1 PM at HXF. Assuming 1/2 hour each, we'll be done at 3:30. I've got a backup reservation for a 3rd plane which is itself backing up for an Angel Flight so I think chances are pretty good that I can get it, otherwise I may have to head back to MSN.

I might try to reschedule or the 27th... but it might end up having to wait until after AirVenture. The 20th is the fly-in at 57C that I'll be working... so that won't work. Have a wedding on the 26th and headed up to OSH for the 28th and 29th.
I might try to reschedule or the 27th... but it might end up having to wait until after AirVenture. The 20th is the fly-in at 57C that I'll be working... so that won't work. Have a wedding on the 26th and headed up to OSH for the 28th and 29th.

Hmmm, 7 to 3... Maybe I can stop by towards the tail end of breakfast, and then hop over to HXF. Or, we could drop by 57C after gliding if you're still gonna be around, and maybe do the $100 burger.

Pete, you in?
Hmmm, 7 to 3... Maybe I can stop by towards the tail end of breakfast, and then hop over to HXF. Or, we could drop by 57C after gliding if you're still gonna be around, and maybe do the $100 burger.

Pete, you in?

How late I'll be around on Sunday will depend on a few things. I (along with my wife and another friend) are planning to skydive on Friday. Saturday, we have an all-day party to go to. Then, Sunday I have to be at 57C by around 4am to help set up for the breakfast. I'm guessing I'll be at the airport until at least 4pm... but whether or not I'll be interested in a $100 hamburger might depend on how tired I am from the rest of the weekend.

Let me know what you guys decide and I'll do my best to work around that...

Edit - It sounds like Pete won't make it down next weekend, he's got family coming into town.
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