Scott Perdue reviews are good

Gunny's the tops, in my book. I need to get out there for an unusual attitudes course some day soon.
His delivery....ugh...I just can't sometimes. If he'd just stop trying to read his script and simply speak casually I could hang in there as the topics and content are generally good.
Sorry about the jump scare. Never occurred to me, but I fixed it.
I give the guy 100% pass on delivery; not everybody is a natural on screen personality. It's not easy both being at ease and hitting every point you want to.
Scott is about the only internet aviation persona I can listen to now that McSpadden is no longer with us.

I've known Gunny for a while now. Actually bought my T6 from him sight unseen - waived the pre-buy and we're still friends years later if that is a sufficient testament to his character.

Gunny actually took the photo in my profile pic.

He's good people.