Already have...months ago.
Pretty much the same issue applies to MCAS Tustin in Southern California.
What is Hangar 1?
It is this type of pork barrel that the tax payers can no longer afford.
Pretty much the way all of the lighthouses are going. The government doesn't want them and practically gives them away IF your organization can pay for the upkeep.I think you're right, I think this should go into the hands of "Historical Preservation Societies" with Charitable Organization tax status. This goes to the "Community" sector.
I know, right. Let's keep the ball rolling. Tear down all memorials that aren't fiscally neutral. Assign a commission to make that determination. Open up national parks, et al, to consumerism. Long live the almighty dollar.Welfare for old hangars. No thanks. Tear it down and let someone build a Walmart or something that people want and can use and might just pay for itself.
MCAS Tustin has been used to make car commercials or set up for sound stages.
I know, right. Let's keep the ball rolling. Tear down all memorials that aren't fiscally neutral. Assign a commission to make that determination. Open up national parks, et al, to consumerism. Long live the almighty dollar.
Welcome to Wal-Mart National Mall. Annual passes available at the front desk.
No, the point is WE ARE BROKE - HELLOOOOOO!
When you are broke, you stick to critical needs, not 'would be nice' wants and wishes. There is plenty of private money to save one or two of these. Don't ask some poor soul busting his or her butt to support a family in Iowa to contribute to every pet project you can think of. Even if their contribution is a buck or less it's a buck or less he has to feed his kids.
I know, right. Let's keep the ball rolling. Tear down all memorials that aren't fiscally neutral. Assign a commission to make that determination. Open up national parks, et al, to consumerism. Long live the almighty dollar.
Welcome to Wal-Mart National Mall. Annual passes available at the front desk.
Then cut the wasteful spending in Washington. Counting pennies while ignoring dollars is silly. You aren't busting your butt because of a hanger or some such project. No, the cause is the devalued dollar and the policies keeping the economy down.No, the point is WE ARE BROKE - HELLOOOOOO!
When you are broke, you stick to critical needs, not 'would be nice' wants and wishes. There is plenty of private money to save one or two of these. Don't ask some poor soul busting his or her butt to support a family in Iowa to contribute to every pet project you can think of. Even if their contribution is a buck or less it's a buck or less he has to feed his kids.
Then cut the wasteful spending in Washington. Counting pennies while ignoring dollars is silly. You aren't busting your butt because of a hanger or some such project. No, the cause is the devalued dollar and the policies keeping the economy down.
No, the point is WE ARE BROKE - HELLOOOOOO!
When you are broke, you stick to critical needs, not 'would be nice' wants and wishes. There is plenty of private money to save one or two of these. Don't ask some poor soul busting his or her butt to support a family in Iowa to contribute to every pet project you can think of. Even if their contribution is a buck or less it's a buck or less he has to feed his kids.
Jeez....alot of people here just don't appreciate history anymore.
As a History major and someone who loves history, that makes me sad.
It make a lot of us sad to see that 1 out of 6 kids in this nation faces daily hunger.
But our congress critters would rather spend 30 mil on a study of march rats and build turtle bridges.
meaning less Pork barrel spending must stop.
Jeez....alot of people here just don't appreciate history anymore.
As a History major and someone who loves history, that makes me sad.
I like history as well, but at what cost? What practical use is there for this building?
If it's that important of building, maybe Airship Ventures will chip in to save it, since as far as I can tell, they're the only ones that have had an airship in it recently.
Read post #23
I keep referring back to the 50% Military cut because let's be honest. If you're not going to touch one of the big three, Military, Social Security, or Medicare/Mediaid, then you're not serious about budget cuts. Because all you're doing by not touching the big three is engaging in nickle and diming. It's like ignoring the main course and considering the appetizer a meal.
Stop playing games and answer my question. Yes, I'm in favor of cutting the budget across the board, including defense and entitlements. Now, what practical use is there for this hangar?
I'm not playing games. People who think that defunding Planned Parenthood and NPR, giving tax cuts to "job creators" while wanting to tax the lower and middle class are the ones playing games. As for your question.
"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it." ~ George Santayana
So, basically, you're saying that you would rather throw money at a building with no purpose than using the same money to help somebody or do something productive. Interesting.
Honestly, I've got potentially a lot to gain by this hangar being redone, but I hope it doesn't happen. If it gets done, it needs to done by a private donor/company.
You know as well as I do that any money saved by a budget cut would never reach the masses. Our government system is so corrupted that our politicians and their corporate puppeteers.....I mean backers would soon pocket the money than actually give it back to us.
This hanger is the last one of the last. Plus there is the history of Moffet itself. Should the National Parks be privatized? Should, say the fields of Gettysburg and others be privatized? Should he who puts up the money be allowed to control access to our history?
With the exception of RMNP and any of the Civil War sites in the east I have visited every one of those places and I didn't have to pay as you imply. Yes, the parking at Rushmore is a joke but that's only at the center. I've even spent weeks in Yosemite or Death Valley NP without so much as paying a dime.Feel free to make Moffat a National Park, if it's that important. Really. I'm not kidding. You probably won't like the results...
It's pretty ludicrous to put Moffat Field up there with a Civil War battlefield in importance, but grab the paperwork and start talking to a Congresscritter if that's the goal.
The answer to your perhaps rhetorical question at the bottom is, yes.
Try getting into a National Park via the normal road routes without paying the government for the privilege.
Want to park at Mt. Rushmore? You'll be paying a private contractor set up by the government to be the sole Monopoly vendor of parking in the parking structure. Want to see Rocky Mountain National Park? You'll buy a pass at the gate.
Grand Canyon? Maybe a few ways into that one that you don't pay the Feds, but you'll pay the Tribe that owns the land adjacent. Four Corners? Zion? Bryce Canyon? Captol Reef? You'll pay to see all of them.
You weren't serious with that question, were you?
I like history as well, but at what cost? What practical use is there for this building?
Read post #23
I keep referring back to the 50% Military cut because let's be honest. If you're not going to touch one of the big three, Military, Social Security, or Medicare/Mediaid, then you're not serious about budget cuts. Because all you're doing by not touching the big three is engaging in nickle and diming. It's like ignoring the main course and considering the appetizer a meal.
I guess pilots are so used to other people paying for their infrastructure most of em see no end to OPM.
This hanger is the last one of the last. Plus there is the history of Moffet itself. Should the National Parks be privatized? Should, say the fields of Gettysburg and others be privatized? Should he who puts up the money be allowed to control access to our history?
When we put money first and foremost is when we lose the quality of living.
To bring it home, using the logic that a thing must produce an income, how do you even justify your own non-commercial flying? Or taking the boat out, or any recreational pursuit?
Why not tear down the Washington Monument and use the bricks to build homeless shelters. And all future generations will hate us for it. But hey, we saved them money!