

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
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Grant Prellwitz
Okay,Saturday was an interesting day. Moxie made it up from the Milwaukee area and I had lunch with her. Also ran into Stan (nddons)! Hope to see aHenning's 310 tomorrow.

We got hit with a windstorm around 4:30 that Knocked down two of the three porta potties next to our tent and destroyed at least four tents near our campsite. Tim's tent was undamaged, but may be repairable, He's staying in a hotel tonight.

We had a nice dinner at the seaplane base Watermelon Social with friends of ours from Flyinn New Zealand.:goofy:

The night air show was beautiful, and the fireworks were awesome. I took some pictures of that that I hope to post.
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Tent is fine just need a new rain fly. Fireworks and night acts were terrific. It was great to see everyone. Special thanks to the Prellwitz' for all the hospitality.

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Sounds like I got out of there just in time. As I was getting ready to go, I enlisted the help of some neighbors to move the Free Bird into the middle, so as not to blow over the tent behind me. I did it well before I was ready to leave (I still had to take down my tent) because I wanted to do it while I could still recruit some muscle.

Some Endzetters did likewise behind me, and were frantic to get going. They claimed the airport was going to be shut down at 8:15. I said it never was, and they said that there were special hours on Saturday, and that the airport was going to be closed for departures all day. They said it was in the NOTAM.

I had the thing, but hadn't read it all in excruciating detail. I quickly thumbed to the section on VFR departures, and sure enough, the airport was closed after 8:15.

One of the CAP supervisors, on seeing me madly strike my tent and quickly preflighting the aircraft, asked my hurry. I repeated what the Endzetters had told me. He said there was indeed a restriction on departures at 8:15. 8:15 pm.

Had no trouble getting out, didn't even have to wait in a long line of aircraft. Did the trip in just a bit over 3 hours. Stuck to the shoreline over Chicago mostly (at 11.5K feet) as I didn't like all the haze over the lake. Landed fine, unpacked and put away the airplane.

And after all that I still felt stupid.
You can see the looming storm and gust front in the background of this video, which was taken Saturday afternoon. It is the dark mass above the horizon to the left as the golf cart tracks north along 18/36. Later, when the golf cart turns to parallel 9/27 you get an even better view.

In HBC, we lost several porta potties and in the nearby 'Mustang corral', one of Jack Roush's car transport trailers was flipped. We had AWOS on at the time and it was announcing gusts in the 40's, though I don't remember the exact figure.

The first big gust was impressive - a big wall of dust and debris that just swept across the field from the NW.
Okay,Saturday was an interesting day. Moxie made it up from the Milwaukee area and I had lunch with her.

The night air show was beautiful, and the fireworks were awesome. I took some pictures of that that I hope to post.

Moxie was there and I didn't know? No one called me?

Oh, one other comment. I was really impressed with the design of the porta-potties. In spite of being blown over they contained all the waste with no leakage. It's always nice to see clever design in products that you might not normally think about.