San Diego airport?

Coronado is literally right there next to SAN. Not that you can get there simply but its just across the bay. . . .

I've flown into KSAN when I was going to a place literally at the airport . . . hotel 5 min by van. Fly to the place that is the most convenient. . . .

KSAN runway 27 only has a LOC and the mins are 700 or so because of a) the hill and b) the parking garage on short final. I was in my Comanche and tightened the sphincter going over the parking garage. . . dunno how airline guys do it without being a little high - but they ALL land right at the 1500' mark anyway . . .

If KSAN is more convenient then go to KSAN. MYF will require some navigating road traffic - and KSEE is just too far away.

I take from the comments you are not IFR rated -but you are coming down from the Bay Area -unless you leave before 9 the marine layer is not going to be a problem most days-
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