It won't last. Courts are finally wising up the flagrant abuse of the patent system by Apple (and others).
I ordered a Nexus 7 last week. The 7" form factor is far superior for use in smaller cockpits and as a knee board than the ipad and other 10"+ devices. It's hard to beat the price as well. If you wanted to buy a GPS enabled ipad, you're looking at $629 for the 16gb model. The Nexus 7 is $200 for 8gb or $250 for 16gb and both include GPS, BT, WiFi, 1280x800 IPS display, camera, mic, accelerometers, gyros, and a quad core processor.
I have been very tempted in the past to buy an ipad, but there have been a few things stopping me. Lack of integrated GPS, unless you buy the 3g/4g version, and I'm not interested in having a BT GPS (one extra thing to charge, need more chargers, might lose it, etc). The cost is also a bit high for a device that I would probably be replacing every year when new ones come out. I don't own a mac, and I like to develop for my devices, but apple only puts out an SDK for mac OS, unlike Google which puts out their SDK for all platforms. Finally, inconvenient form factor for use in the cockpit, proprietary charging connector, poor sunlight visibility, and overheating issues when used in direct sunlight for extended periods.
I can understand why apple users defend their macs/ipads/iphones so fiercely. I've always believed that people will fight harder to defend their choices when they have a lot of money invested in that decision. No one wants to feel like they've made a bad decision. The apple products are quite pricey, and once someone buys into the entire apple ecosystem they have quite a bit of money expended.
Reviving this thread...
Galaxy Tab and the phone equivalent, Galaxy Nexus have had an injunction slapped on them and are currently not for sale in the U.S. due to Patent infringement on Motorola.