Safety Pilot Portland area.

enrique c

Filing Flight Plan
Oct 12, 2014
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Hello everyone,

This is my first post in the forum although I've been reading it for a while now, I'm just wondering if anyone is interested in act as a safety pilot or the other way around and at the same time build hours and share expenses. I'm located in KHIO.

Thank you and have good flights.
Goodness, a week and no replies. I'd love to help, but I'm based at KOLM. Good luck.
Thank you very much, hope to find someone soon.
I have a C-172 at a grass field near Tulsa, but no current medical. If a licensed pilot with a current medical would like to fly with me, contact by email.

I also have a Flight Design CTLS at the same location. If you are experienced in this aircraft and would like to fly, contact by email.
Doesn't look like your getting much for replys,can't help as I'm in Fla. Find the local airport ,hang out ,you'll have a better chance of finding a flying buddy.
I'd be interested - located just south at UAO. I only get to fly on weekends, so if that works for you, let me know and we'll figure something out.