What kind of features would you recommend for safety within an airplane? Would you go with a shoulder harness over a regular seatbelt? Is the sun visor more harm than good? Inquiring minds would like to know.
As always thanks for your posts. I always learn a lot!
Well I thought I was the odd ball on safety stuff till I posted this poll
For me airframe wise I'll take a backcountry aircraft with tundras or floats, STOL kit etc.
I feel quite safe in my 185 amphibian, /G, full STOL, 300HP, 4 point belts, EHSI, traffic, analyzer, etc. I can land nearly anywhere, I can put her in a soft plowed field with my gear up and, touching down very slow, hardly any ground roll, and touching down on my float keels I probably won't even have too much damage to my airframe, let alone me. The plane can also land on a small pond or river if needed, or a airport. If I had to get down in horrible viz, I can set up over a long river or lake, circling down to a few hundred feet above the water, line up, hold a slight nose up attitude, 150ish fpm decent and just wait to touch, with plenty of LONG stretches of water around it's a nice thing to have in my back pocket for a emergency.
As for the shoulder belts, hell yes, 4 point inertia reel belts with a rotating center buckle. This is probably the cheapest safety bang for the buck, just read up on some of these stories.
Get some high output landing and taxi lights, HIDs for landing, LEDs are OK for shorter range taxi if you can't get a deal of dual HIDs.
Outside from that, stay current, always be thinking of your next step or how you'll land if the engine(s) quit, if you're bored you're f'ing up.
learn some backcountry ops, land on every surface your plane can land on
do spin training in a plane that is most like your plane,
get your IFR ticket from someone with real single pilot IFR experience,
If you're in a area with inhospitable terrian, this is a great way to spend a 1400 bucks, even though it can't be used as a primary, wink wink.
get a 2 axis AP with a WAAS GPS if you're going to be flying single pilot IFR (as in real IMC or night IFR).
Get a nice engine analyzer with CHT/EGT for each jug, it'll help you find problems before they have you squawaking 7700.
NUMBER ONE, get instruction from a EXPERIENCED CFI, someone who has 91/135/121 small plane, single pilot experience outside of CFIing, personally I'd start by looking for a ATP/Gold Seal initially.