Rough River Kentucky Fly-in 2019 - April 26-28

You can't swing a dead cat around here and not hit a smart a$$.

Once when my mom called me a smart a$$, I told her it was better than being a dumb a$$. That one got me cracked in the mouth, so maybe not so smart after all lol. o_O
Once when my mom called me a smart a$$, I told her it was better than being a dumb a$$. That one got me cracked in the mouth, so maybe not so smart after all lol. o_O
You just described "a day in the life of young Tim" as well...
Cabin booked.

So if you look at the map, they have 2 "loops" of cabins. One is midway down the runway. These are 2Bd 1 bath
There is a 2nd loop of cabins just past the south end of rwy 02. Those are 2 bd 2 bath

That's where I booked but I noticed there is a 2nd set of tiedown spots on the south end of the runway as well.

RR fly in.jpg
Just a short swim between cabins!

Or there may be some Ky Yachts available for the non-swimmers.


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Last year, there really wasn't much pilot talk with the exception of @Radar Contact and I planning the most amazing formation, low pass over the river we were going to do the next day.
I don't remember much after that.

HAHAHAHAH except @cowman going "I've never done formation flying before" And we're all "But you've seen one fly over. It's so easy, you just take the outside and you will be fine."
Then a 20 minute conversation about who has the slowest plane and what speed we'd need to fly at to accommodate everyone.

I'm bringing go pros this year.
Some of the best ideas in this world were hatched from a good conversation after many a beer....this and the beacon bull ride clearly fits in that category. I imagine the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds brief their flights the same way we were doing.

We need a GoPro agreement for those attending with security clearances! :)
Makes no sense to me either, but hey, it's their county I suppose. I'll pre-shop and bring my favorites along.

" "I would like to give tourists and visitors another good reason to come see us here in the Rough River Lake area," said Corbett, who also circulated a petition in 2014 that successfully resulted in allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages at Rough River Dam State Resort Park. "
Cabin booked.

So if you look at the map, they have 2 "loops" of cabins. One is midway down the runway. These are 2Bd 1 bath
There is a 2nd loop of cabins just past the south end of rwy 02. Those are 2 bd 2 bath

That's where I booked but I noticed there is a 2nd set of tiedown spots on the south end of the runway as well.

View attachment 70402

Looks like there are tiedowns in the grass directly in front of the 2 bed 1 bath cabin loop as well. Pretty handy.
Looks like there are tiedowns in the grass directly in front of the 2 bed 1 bath cabin loop as well. Pretty handy.

Hmmmm, planning to tie someone down?

Will they be making pig sounds?

I have a banjo....
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Room and plane booked, potential surprise guest roomie. Now to book the vacation with the boss.
Cool. Is that a Defiant beside the three "nosed" together on the lower left of the ramp?
If so, that's one rare bird!

The first time I saw one was at the Wings FlyBQ one year... Pilot shut down one of the engines, and I thought it only had one! I was really wondering how he was taxiing with the prop stopped. :rofl:
Room booked for Friday and Saturday at the Resort at Falls of Rough. Motel place about 1/4 mile off the south end of the runway. $53/night.

Room booked for Friday and Saturday at the Resort at Falls of Rough. Motel place about 1/4 mile off the south end of the runway. $53/night.


are you flying in or driving?
Room booked for Friday and Saturday at the Resort at Falls of Rough. Motel place about 1/4 mile off the south end of the runway. $53/night.


When we get kicked out for being too loud again, we are all heading to your room! :)
Just booked my Cabin. Considering I don't have a Grumman and according to Bryan's map the south cabins are down that way, I got a cabin in the middle...over by where the riff raff parks their planes. For those procrastinators of the group...which I am fully, can't believe I booked something so far from now...their policy is to cancel 48 hours in advance to get a refund. Not too bad.

@eman1200 where's the spreadsheet to update with all the info? You're slacking this year.
Room booked for Friday and Saturday at the Resort at Falls of Rough. Motel place about 1/4 mile off the south end of the runway. $53/night.

I'm all for saving cash, so take this as an FYI... @KayDeeW and I considering booking a room there last year, but they had lots of vacancies, so we waited until we got there. Once there, we rode our bikes over to that motel, took one look, then road back and set up our tent in the sweltering heat...that's how bad it looked.
yah,.. get with it @eman1200. There's barely 4 months left to get this disorganized.

sheeeeeit, I think YOU actually did the spreadsheet last year. so please get on it (as per radar contact) and please add a column “most likely to cancel last minute” so we can put a check mark next to theisens name. fine, while ur at it add a “most likely to show up late” column for yours truly.
sheeeeeit, I think YOU actually did the spreadsheet last year. so please get on it (as per radar contact) and please add a column “most likely to cancel last minute” so we can put a check mark next to theisens name. fine, while ur at it add a “most likely to show up late” column for yours truly.

Here's the link. Feel free to add any important columns. Sign yourself up!
I'm all for saving cash, so take this as an FYI... @KayDeeW and I considering booking a room there last year, but they had lots of vacancies, so we waited until we got there. Once there, we rode our bikes over to that motel, took one look, then road back and set up our tent in the sweltering heat...that's how bad it looked.

Sort of good fit for this crowd?

I’ll give a Pirep Saturday.

I'm all for saving cash, so take this as an FYI... @KayDeeW and I considering booking a room there last year, but they had lots of vacancies, so we waited until we got there. Once there, we rode our bikes over to that motel, took one look, then road back and set up our tent in the sweltering heat...that's how bad it looked.

We're talking about the one across the street and not the one on site, right?
We're talking about the one across the street and not the one on site, right?
Yes. The state park lodge (on site) is nice. If the Kentucky Dam lodge is,say,rated a 8 out of 10, I’d rate the Rough River Lodge a 7 (and the motel down the road mentioned by X3 a 2 or 3).
Ok... I just booked 26th - 28th at the lodge (hotel)... Now its up to Mother Nature; And she can be a btch... usually is....
Ok... I just booked 26th - 28th at the lodge (hotel)... Now its up to Mother Nature; And she can be a btch... usually is....

dude, the wx shouldn't stop u from going to this fly-in, sheesh...….
sheeeeeit, I think YOU actually did the spreadsheet last year. so please get on it (as per radar contact) and please add a column “most likely to cancel last minute” so we can put a check mark next to theisens name. fine, while ur at it add a “most likely to show up late” column for yours truly.
We could have a column "Most likely to take two days to get here" just sayin

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Can’t commit to this year, as @KayDeeW and I just bought a house...

Can’t say we’ll try to be there, but I will promise to try to try...