Rotary wings in Iraq

Good article -- thanks for posting it. How come we never hear about the good stuff that's happening there in the mainstream media?
Heroism/Professionalism doesn't sell.

The date on that article shows it was posted Monday. Monday I was scraping frost off my windshield and feeling sorry for myself.
Michael Yon has consistently reported on the positive aspects of our troops.

But 1) Heroism doesn't sell 2) The prissy Ivy League editors of the post, times, etc were against the war in the first place, and frankly don't see what they have in common with a "bunch of oakie high school dropouts".

~ Christopher
Well done piece, written in a realistic tone. It's amazing how much total effort, risk and loss is required for killing each one of the enemy, but much cheaper than the costs of no action, save for massive bombing. Maybe that'll finally happen when our money supply gets lower.