RIP Alan Arkin

RIP indeed.

He was a riot in The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming.

My high school theater arts instructor was a good friend of his, and on occasion had him come out to the school to talk to the students. Photos from 1967:

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I only knew of him in his later years, but fantastic actor. RIP.
I remember him from Northern Exposure. Thinking about it, the character could be on here right now...
Little Miss Sunshine is one the funniest movies I've ever seen.
The ‘Heart Is a lonely hunter’ was one of the memorable movies I’ve seen.
As Martin Blank’s (John Cusack) psychiatrist in Grosse Point Blank he was hysterical.
A friend and I recently rewatched “GlenGarry Glen Ross” for the umpteenth time, and his nebishy portrayal of a real estate salesman was spot on, especially his back-and-forth with Ed Harris in the car. ALL the actors are on fire in this one. Definitely worth a watch if you’ve never seen it. Or a rewatch if you have.
This is my favorite Alan Arkin character.

great, now I'm getting all sorts of axe murdered videos popping up in my suggested list (I've never seen this movie, looks like a good one), such as this one:
