Ringing Ears Issue


Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 26, 2011
South Texas
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I usually fly in the 3000 to 7000 feet range. Yesterday, I went up to 9500. Didn't notice anything with my ears yesterday, but today I woke up and it feels like my ears are clogged up. I haven't been able to clear it up. My ears are also ringing like a sonofabitch.

Anyone have any similar issues? Could it maybe have something to do with flying higher than usual? Anyone know of any pharmaceuticals which could help this? Pretty damn annoying. Thanks and I'll hang up and listen.
Working your jaw to relieve internal pressure or doing the valsalva maneuver to "add" pressure not cuutting it?

Try taking a nice hot steamy shower, letting the hot water run along your jawline where the eustachion tubes are. The heat might allow the tube to expand just enough and/or the crud inside to liquidate enough for you to clear it. More than once this has helped me, and about 5-8 minutes into the hot as I can stand shower, my ears clear and the relief is noticeable.

Warm compresses can do the same if you don't want to stand in the shower.

To help clear your sinuses of any residual gunk that might be a contributor, look into getting and using a neti pot. A bit awkward to use for the first time, but boy does it clear you out.
Thanks for the advice. Usually pinching my nose and gently blowing out resolves the issue, but not yesterday. Good news is I'm back to normal today. Guess it just takes time.
Equalizing pressure gets easier as you do it. It takes practice and understanding that you need to do it even when you think it is normalized. Every time I fly CC I have this issue until I equalize.

The ringing is permenant for me though. :(
The ringing is permenant for me though. :(

Me too, along with very high freq hearing loss, but it was above the range the AF cared about when I was flying. So I still passed the AF medicals and the FAA Class 2.

Too many years on heavy bombers.
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It'll go away, just means you ether are coming down with a little bit of a stuffed up nose or you just need to fly more.

When I dive our plane, I can feel and hear if I'm stuffed up AT ALL, were dropping around 5000fpm, give it a day or two and alls well.
If it doesn't clear up after 2 weeks, go see a doctor. It happened to me and I let it go 3 weeks before the doctor gave me some ear drops. Cleared right up in a day.
Definitely see an ENT. I have a similar issue that started in January. Ear pressure and ringing. Unfortunately I haven't sorted it out yet. I did see an ENT and took two medications but it's back again. On the bright side, I still have above average hearing even with the ringing, but it's damn annoying.
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