Reviews needed for a/c rental and instructor at Republic Airport (KFRG)


Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 6, 2013
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Flying Fanatic
Planning a trip to NYC in July and I want to do a Hudson River flight with an instructor.

Any reviews or referrals for rental and instructor at FRG?

I've also heard good things about Nassau Flyers, but I have no personal experience.
Nassau Flyers or Global Aviation Corp. Both have quality instructors. Global Aviation specializes in introduction flights and some sightseeing and are a little cheaper than NFI. You'll probably fly a Warrior if you go with Global. NFI has more options when choosing an airplane so you get a choice of a Cirrus, 172, Warrior, Arrow, some light sports, 152. I did my instrument rating and am currently doing my Commercial with NFI with Sean Stefanak. He's a great instructor so make sre to ask for him
Some good info in this thread you participated in a few months back:
Was there more info that you were looking for?

Yes, I was looking for perhaps someone specific. Also, I wanted to hear the pros and cons of the various flight schools. I considered going up to Bridgeport, CT, but I think it would be too far.

I met a guy from Nassau Fliers at OSH last year when I was drooling over a Husky. I think I've lost his card though.
Yes, I was looking for perhaps someone specific. Also, I wanted to hear the pros and cons of the various flight schools. I considered going up to Bridgeport, CT, but I think it would be too far.

I met a guy from Nassau Fliers at OSH last year when I was drooling over a Husky. I think I've lost his card though.
It was probably sean Stefanak also. He heads up the aircraft sales at Nassau Flyers also
I did my primary training with Academy of Aviation at FRG. I think they have the largest 172 fleet there, and are a good bunch. Now I rent from Long Island Aviators. Much smaller outfit, but a bit more low key! Either would work out well for your flight.

AoA can do an OpenAirplane UPC though at the same time if you have had an interest in joining OpenAirplane.
Having done my fair share of Hudson tours out of FRG, these are the tips:

- FRG can get REALLY busy. Be very careful about the times you choose or you will end up spending 1.0 on the ground. Yesterday I called tower at the south shore of Long Island and didn't get a turn to base until I reached the north shore. Evenings and really early mornings are the only acceptable slow times.

- In Piper Cherokees the tower takes between 1.0-1.5 (including ground) at the off peak times, depending on whether you do just one lap down the Hudson, whether there are Stadium TFR's, and what is happening at LGA, JFK, and EWR.

- Do this really early or really late to see the city at both night and day in the same flight (awesome experience no one ever forgets).

- Like Mike I have flown with several operators at the field but have grown to like to flight clubs more than anyone else. Such as Long Island Aviators. Several reasons to this but the chief most are value, comradery, and accommodation/flexibility.

- I almost exclusively have flown the exclusions in Pipers. I suspect it would be a bit more enjoyable in a Cessna because you really want to view the city.

- If you go into the exclusions at peak hours you will be very uncomfortable with all the traffic.

- Long Island Aviators has a couple of very reputable instructors who boast impressive experience. Also a wide variety of aircraft.

- Do yourself the favor and spend a few hours familiarizing yourself with the procedure, orientation, waypoints, etc. There are several videos on youtube that thoroughly depict this. Will make you appreciate the experience a lot more.

Lastly, I wish I could offer to go up with you myself but not to sure of my availability then.
My average is 1.7hrs, done it maybe 20 times now. A fantastic flight, I don't think it is ever possible to get bored of doing it.

You can do it in an hour from FRG off-peak times if you just head straight to Alpine Tower or GWB, fly down to VZ and then do the 500ft over the shoreline under JFK bravo on the way back.

The place to be extra careful is around the Statue of Liberty, where the helicopters do their climbing turns. Apart from that, the traffic even during busy times is very well organized. Learn the reporting points (they are very easy to identify, just remember them) and broadcast on 123.05. Don't bother with your callsigns or anything, the most common way is just a short "Cherokee, VZ, 900, northbound". No need to block up the frequency with "Hudson traffic, Cherokee 1234AB, 900ft, Verrazano Bridge, Northbound, Hudson".
Planning a trip to NYC in July and I want to do a Hudson River flight with an instructor.

Any reviews or referrals for rental and instructor at FRG?

In case you are still looking, give Ventura a call and ask for Jonathan. He's a CFI, CFII, and MEI.
Okay, if I were to plan this to take off on say a Friday. Saturday, or Sunday about an hour before sunset, would FRG still be busy? I'd hate to spend an hour on the ground.

Fwiw, I have no intention of doing this solo, I'll definitely have a CFI with me.
Sunday evenings are quiet, and the Hudson corridor will be too since there wont be that many helicopters. Watch out for stadium TFRs for the Yankees stadium.
Okay, if I were to plan this to take off on say a Friday. Saturday, or Sunday about an hour before sunset, would FRG still be busy? I'd hate to spend an hour on the ground.
I usually fly Saturday mornings, but 2 weeks ago my CFI had to reschedule me for 4:30pm Saturday. On the 60 min drive to the airport, I was listening to the tower frequency and counted 11-12 planes in the pattern at one point; this was about 3pm. :yikes: When we started taxiing @ 4:30, the airport got very slow, and coming back at 6:30, it was a ghost town. Literally, the frequency was so dead, I thought my radio was busted.

What I'm trying to say is that Saturday late afternoons are very slow, no wait. After the runup, called the tower and got cleared for takeoff without having to hold short, a first for me there. But the traffic on the LIE getting to the airport sucks, much better in morning. Can't win.
Would taking the LIRR out from Manhattan be better? Any idea how long it'll take?
Would taking the LIRR out from Manhattan be better? Any idea how long it'll take?
The train station is about 5 minutes way from the airport. From Penn Station to Farmingdale it would probably take about 1 hour 30 minutes
The train station is about 5 minutes way from the airport. From Penn Station to Farmingdale it would probably take about 1 hour 30 minutes

Actually I have to disagree with the statement that it takes and hour and a half to get from Penn Station to Farmingdale. When I am going back to college in Farmingdale using the LIRR, from Penn Station to Farmingdale, the trip on the train should take just under an hour if you are taking the train during off peak times on the weekends. If you are on the train during peak times it might take somewhat longer although I don't know how longer. I only took the train during peak times once.
Yup, 52-58mins on the train, 5 mins on a cab. 18USD off-peak return, 8-12USD o/w for the cab.
On your way back, you might have to wait for a cab. If you miss the train, best place to wait is Croxley Ales on Main St :)
If you're going to be in Manhattan, have you considered going over to Teterboro? It's much closer and can be reached by NJ Transit bus or even by train over to Secaucus, where you then get a cab.

Depending on the school you rent from, check with them for specific directions. Your hobbes time will be significantly less than if you go all the way out to FRG only to fly into NYC and back out again. From TEB you basically are positioned to head for the GW bridge and be on your sightseeing ride within minutes of takeoff.
What about the landing fees at KTEB? And do they actually have anything available for rental there?
I've never thought about TEB, everyone recommended FRG. I wasn't sure where to go at TEB or how much it'd cost.

Any suggestions on flight schools at TEB?
Don't think there are schools at Teterboro anymore. I did my discovery flights (two different schools) (Hudson River Exclusion) and PPL training there at Millionair Flight School, but that was in 1998;)

Back then, there were around three schools on the field.

I fly out of FRG now. I wanted to visit TEB a couple of years ago, just for the memories but I'm not paying $70 or more to land a Piper there when I can visit CDW and MMU for around ten bucks! I did more T&Gs at those two than TEB, in fact I soloed at MMU :)
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A couple of years ago I gave my daughter and son-in-law this flight as a wedding gift. At the time they lived in North Bergen, NJ which is on the Jersey side of the Hudson River. Instead of having them drive all the way out to FRG and deal with the madness of NYC traffic, I flew out to Caldwell Airport (KCDW) and had them meet me there. Took them on the flight and dropped them back off. A 30min extra flight for me was much better than them driving for hours in hell.

Have you considered Caldwell Airport? It's a much shorter flight to reach the Hudson corridor than from FRG.
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It seems I looked there before. Anyone have a recommendation for a flight school there?

I think most folks referred me to FRG, that's why I focused on it, but I'm open to others.
In fact, TEB does no longer have schools on the field. Sorry about the recommendation. The landing fees are under $10, so if there were still a school there that's the only additional fee you'd have had to pay.

I concur with the other thoughts - check into CDW (Caldwell/Essex) and MMU (Morristown). They're also not too far. The NJ Transit trains go near both of them and they will both be a shorter flight to the corridor.

When/if you find a school at one of them that has appealing aircraft and good prices, ask them what train/train stop and if they will pick up or recommend a local cab.
It seems I looked there before. Anyone have a recommendation for a flight school there?

I think most folks referred me to FRG, that's why I focused on it, but I'm open to others.

I found this:

Looks like you have two choices. Century Air and Fischer Aviation. I have no first hand experience with either. When I visit, I use Airbound Aviation which is just an FBO (no rentals or CFIs).

Caldwell (Essex Co.) is a nice little airport. Right next to the Willowbrook Mall, so you can even get your shopping on:lol:, or catch a movie, lunch/dinner, etc.
I recently (a month ago) did the NYC tour with an instructor as well. I went with Nassau Flyers and did it in the Cirrus SR-20. I enjoyed the visibility in the Cirrus more so than the C172's I've done the route with in the past. I did it a little before sunset and was with NY TWR's (JFK-->EWR-->LGA) the whole flight and it wasn't too busy.

Regardless where you end up doing it out of and in what plane; it's an amazing flight!