I don't know how many of you have bought event tickets online but this is topical item. Around this time of year you hear of counterfeit tickets being sold and to to take precautions.
Here is a new twist. I heard guy telling how he had sold his extra tickets to the Mississippi/Alabama game. He had gone to the official Mississippi State ticket exchange website. He went to game and sat next to the people that had bought the tickets (Alabama fans) and had a wonderful day. They were pleasant and even said the seats were great. Only thing, the ticket exchange office refused to pay him because the tickets had been reported as being counterfeit. Dang, that had to suck.
Here is a new twist. I heard guy telling how he had sold his extra tickets to the Mississippi/Alabama game. He had gone to the official Mississippi State ticket exchange website. He went to game and sat next to the people that had bought the tickets (Alabama fans) and had a wonderful day. They were pleasant and even said the seats were great. Only thing, the ticket exchange office refused to pay him because the tickets had been reported as being counterfeit. Dang, that had to suck.