Roll the plane into the hangar on the desired spot
It's already there, I jack in-place in my own hanger
Attach the jackpads to the airframe
Huh? Built into the Bonanza, don't fit/attach anything
Move three jacks and one tailstand (if needed) into position with jackpads snug in cups.
Two jacks, one tail stand, no jackpads
Find two more mechanics in order to raise the jacks simultaneously.
I just crawl under there with the bottle handle back and forth a few times. Not elegant, but it gets the job done. I do have to move back to the tail stand once in a while to adjust it.
I'm not saying I can have it up safely in 30 min, but from the time I drag the jacks out of the VW to the time I'm in the air safely is no more than 45 minutes. I've done it plenty of times, and I'm sure no one special. Once it's up in the air, it's at least another 45 minutes min to check the stuff I want to check. From there it's either lube it and let it down, or start fixing stuff. Lucky, the Bo is darn sturdy in the gear dept. But - you already knew that.