You, I think, espouse socioeconomic theories that have been tried in the past but never been successfully implemented in their pure form. You are an idealist. You have a vision that many of your kind share. It is a kind world, where nobody suffers and nobody prospers, where mediocrity is rewarded, and ingenuity and entrepreneurship are punished. In a perfect world, you envision everyone wearing a grey workers smock producing goods for the State, where no greedy capitalistic leeches can possibly bleed sustenance off the people. It is a world where, you need no money, because the State will always be there for you, to feed you and house you. It is a world where status is irrelevant. Income is irrelevant. Money is irrelevant. Money in it's pure form doesn't even exist. Certainly it shouldn't.
My friend, in theory your economics work, just not in a free market economy. You can't have it both ways. You want to fix wages, up or down? Sure. Do so. But be prepared to fix prices too. Up or down. If the free market economy has dictated a $60 per hour de-facto minimum wage, then all other facets of economics have already adjusted. If you want to artificially legislate it as such just so all people can lead a middle class existence regardless of value and productivity, then be sure you are able to control costs. Money can be produced in a vacuum for the short term, but not the long term.