Resorts near small airports?

Is there a hotel resort there? I just see a golf course and a diner.
There used to be. I don’t know about now. A phone call will be your friend here. The place looked a bit run down the last time I was there for lunch (the Red Mill Inn, if I remember correctly). The restaurant was in good shape, only the cabins seem to need a little TLC. But that was about a decade ago…. -Skip
Grand Geneva.

"Grand Geneva Resort was built as the Lake Geneva Playboy Club Hotel in 1968, and the airport was marked on the FAA Sectional Aeronautical Chart as Playboy.
Yeah, but it's now BYOB*

*Bring Your Own Bunny
I saw that one YT fella fly to the resort at Put In Bay (3W2) on the Great Lake (Erie) in Ohio. It is on my "list" now.

Bonus: you could check out the video to see if it's your cup of tea or not.