OK...now why would this 182P be a BAD deal for someone like me?
1975 Cessna 182P
Price: $ 40,900 (found that price listed on another site)
TTAF: 3,190 Hrs.
Engine Time:1,051 SFREM on Continental O-470-K in 1992
87 Hours SPOH on C-203 Two Blade McCauley in 2008
Annual due Feb 2013
We haggle down to $35k
Airplane checks out Pre Buy inspection with flying colors (or slightly faded colors in this case)
I drop $5k to replace that gawd awful interior
Avionics are way basic, but I want a bird that flies, not a glass cockpit.
What REALLY needs to be upgraded to make it IFR certified other than the GPS that is out of date and no longer supported?
Drop another ($????) into avionics
449 hours till overhaul needed - seems like a reasonable amount of time before dropping another $25k
Still working within a $50kish budget for purchase price.
What could go wrong? I mean it HAS a cassette player!
School me please!