Henning said:
Interesting, I check mine to see whom I may have helped. I don't really care who I may have ****ed off or what color my dot is. If there is someone who would reject a posting of mine on account of the color of the dot without reading and possibly contemplating the actual content, well then that's their loss. It is a very poor mind that allows others to form their opinion and govern their thought. If someone dissagrees with me and dings me, fine, what do I care, at the end of the day, it has done me no real harm.
That's largely why I check mine. I like to see what posts people liked. I've gotten far, far more postives than negatives. It's been surprising to me what some folks have liked, and found worthy of taking the time to give up rep points. Interesting, and fun. I've gotten some some neg points to, of course, but only a couple that may have been generated purely by a personal dislike. Most of the negs I've gotten have been given to me for the same reason I give them. Someone has been so offended, so strongly disagrees with what I say or how I said it, and in a couple cases strongly dislikes a viewpoint I hold that they take the time to make it known. If someone takes the time to give a rep point, good or bad, they are spending their energy. Both the positives and the negs deserve thought and reflection on that basis, for the most part. Even I have gotten very few negs.
Frankly, if I can come to this site and not be the victim of a tit for tat or personal dislike vendetta, the system is working. People want this site to be friendly, positive, and worthwhile, and the rep hits I've gotten reflect that. I try to get mine to also reflect that, though I am aware that some disagree with a couple of mine. Still, all mine, good or ill, are given after thought and consideration, and I feel are fair. All that said, I still don't think it was inappropriate to mention religion when someone asked how we prepare for loss, but obviously someone did. Oh well... it's a big community. Part of the fun, for me at least.
I do kind of like requiring comments. I used to be lazy now and again and send a positive or negative without comment, but after getting a couple of each, I realized that is actually kind of frustrating and always include some sort of comment.