Reporting Driver's License Suspension

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No, No and No...

Oddly though, I actually don't have a problem with Marijuana consumption as long as you aren't flying (or driving etc.) while impaired.

That being said, marijuana consumption is a violation of Federal Law, and aviation is controlled by the Feds, not the states. If a pilot is willing to violate Federal law and consume marijuana knowing its a violation of federal law, what other corners might he or she cut, or rules might he or she break while flying? I am not accusing anyone, just posing an open question.

This is a good point. And, for that matter, a pot user also can't legally buy a firearm. Personally, I'm not going to fly with anyone who regularly uses marijuana, but that's just me.
Drink booze, beer, or coffee?

Rx meds?

Energy drinks?

All drugs, all worse then weed

I think you're going to have an uphill battle if you try to intelligently argue a case for caffeine in coffee being worse than weed. Sorry, but I'll be the first to call bull on that claim (incidentally, I don't drink coffee, and I've had exactly one beer so far this year... Mostly because I just don't gain anything from it, and not that it really matters anyway).
I've seen folks who slammed a ton of caffein have medical emergencies, I have yet to encounter a true medical emergency brought on from some dude smoking weed.
I've seen folks who slammed a ton of caffein have medical emergencies, I have yet to encounter a true medical emergency brought on from some dude smoking weed.

Well, clearly you haven't been around enough marijuana users. Today's marijuana is far more potent than the ditch weed of the 60's, and serious medical/psychological issues have certainly occurred since weed became VERY common around here recently... Especially with the edibles.

I've seen people high on edibles who were having psychological reactions that would be more commonly associated with PCP or LSD, and there are emerging medical studies showing serious side effects in the long run (lack of cognitive performance is an obvious one, but I even read a paper not too long ago that was examining a link between heavy adolescent use of marijuana and the development of schizophrenia later in life).

Other drugs certainly have their dangers, too, but that doesn't mean that marijuana comes without risks. Also, I agree on the caffeine overdose issue. I saw a teenager have a very bad reaction after drinking half a dozen energy drinks back to back, and his issue required an ambulance ride, too.
But the weed guys could just be locked in a room with some water, open in door 7 hours later and they would be alive.

Some folks who OD on energy drinks, you can actually end up getting heart fib from that crap, plus some other slightly less nasty stuff, as in having a life changing event without medical intervention.

Science can have as many studies as they want, the history of hundreds upon hundreds of years of folks smoking says it ain't going to screw your hardware up.

And for the simpletons who need warning labels, I'll say this for the umteenth time, NO I'm not saying to fly a aircraft or operate equipment under the influence of ANYTHING.

Remember many laws are not based on logic, scientific evidence or even common sense, many are political and are made for reasons of money, power, or idealism.
So an open-container bust wouldn't be reportable, either?
Not unless it resulted in a suspension of driving privileges. That's the key, Suspension of drivers license due to....
Don't report it, and expect to receive a nasty letter from FAA. Report it and expect to receive a nasty letter from the FAA, but mabe not as nasty of a letter as if you had not reported.
Not unless it resulted in a suspension of driving privileges. That's the key, Suspension of drivers license due to....
Don't report it, and expect to receive a nasty letter from FAA. Report it and expect to receive a nasty letter from the FAA, but mabe not as nasty of a letter as if you had not reported.

Or don't report it and never hear a word.

Didn't this guy run himself in the FBI database and come up clean?!

You guys watch too much CSI, let sleeping dogs lie
As a police officer I agree with my colleagues that it would be good to speak with an attorney who deals In these matters.
I personally do not believe it is a huge issue and you should get it sorted rather quickly
Man, I'd hate for my coffee and energy drink intake to DQ me from a medical. I ingest quite a bit of caffeine... but on days I fly, I curb it back some. On flying days, I increase my water intake (except on long XC days) and food intake to ensure I'm mentally present and capable of flying the plane. Non-flying days... my eating habits need some work.
Pot is only illegal because it is easy to grow and hard to tax.

Booze was illegal and still should be, before pot, anyway. I would much rather have a stoner behind me on the road than a drunk.

What if someone was in a country were is was legal, smoked a bunch, came back here a month later.

Should he not be allowed to fly ?
Drugs aren't funny.

Making fun of a whore-banging, drug running plastic monkey is hilarious at the 8th grade maturity level. And yes, I WILL fly immediately after making fun of a fake drug-taking monkey. That's just how I roll.
Drugs aren't funny.

Making fun of a whore-banging, drug running plastic monkey is hilarious at the 8th grade maturity level. And yes, I WILL fly immediately after making fun of a fake drug-taking monkey. That's just how I roll.

Do you at least do a run up first?
Sean Man, why didn't you tell the officer " 'snot mine"?? You could claim it belongs to a friend or that it's not your car etc. Now everybody assumes you are the po-theed. *shrug*

But seriously, like others said, clean up your act if you want to fly again. Us sober guys don't like sharing the sky with druggies, drunks, dopes etc. I don't discriminate what substance is abused - anybody under the influence is NOT welcome on the road or in the sky in my book.
The only high I need in my life is aviation. Every time I fly, it makes me feel great. You don't need pot to feel that. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

1. Wouldn't matter what I would tell the officer, I was the sole individual in the car so the poessision would fall on me.

2. The only problem I have with some peoples rethoric is that simply possessing it equals a substance abuse problem? Atune to having a 6 pack of beer equals alcoholism? Obviously one is legal and another isnt but you get my point.

3. Luckily a follow up almost 3 months after. I've gone on to recieve my permenant private pilots license after my temporary, and there was no need to report it as my suspension was due to receiving three, non impairment based traffic citations in 90 days. Same situation could have happened in a different state with very different consequences sadly, lucky for me to have been in a decriminalized state.
Sorry, just skimmed through. If you are a member of AOPA, don't you get a free 1st call for a few minutes to AOPA pilot legal? Or something to that effect?

Yes I see, may of been an update to an older post. OBE(overcome by events) and all that stuff.
The discussion keeps going to "it's legal here and there, and soon everywhere" So be it. Alcohol - 100% legal. Percocets and vicodins legal - doctors prescribe them daily... Pot legal - FINE. Either way NONE OF THIS CAN BE USED BY PILOTS :) Nothing to do with it being legal that's what the OP keeps missing..
Gotta second the lawyer. Can't afford a mouthpiece, you can't afford aviation. The former is quite a bit less expensive.

Don't really want to get into the moralistic aspects of any of this, pot is socially acceptable in a number of parts of the country. In fact the "inside a moving vehicle" is very nearly nonsense. If you're obtaining it legally, how are you supposed to get the stuff home to use it?
The discussion keeps going to "it's legal here and there, and soon everywhere" So be it. Alcohol - 100% legal. Percocets and vicodins legal - doctors prescribe them daily... Pot legal - FINE. Either way NONE OF THIS CAN BE USED BY PILOTS :) Nothing to do with it being legal that's what the OP keeps missing..

Definitely not misunderstanding the legality of it, I understand it is an illegal/controlled substance.

Don't really want to get into the moralistic aspects of any of this, pot is socially acceptable in a number of parts of the country. In fact the "inside a moving vehicle" is very nearly nonsense. If you're obtaining it legally, how are you supposed to get the stuff home to use it?

It was in fact purchased from a state where it's legal, then incident took place in a decriminalized state. I understand the Moving vehicle rule, but you're right it's a little ridiculous.
Sorry, just skimmed through. If you are a member of AOPA, don't you get a free 1st call for a few minutes to AOPA pilot legal? Or something to that effect?

Yes I see, may of been an update to an older post. OBE(overcome by events) and all that stuff.

From what I've seen and heard, you'll probably get the same level of legal help and advice on Internet forums as you would from AOPA prepaid legal.
OP: My point was even if it was 100% legal it's still unacceptable to the FAA. Simple. I hope nothing but the best for you. I really do. But regardless of what you think you know - the FAA is probably going to find out about it. The fact that you did not report it does not look good. At least IMO. They CAN and DO cancel medicals by the way. In any event, best of luck to you.
Don't really buy into much of the negative research about pot. The Government has been funding anti-pot research for decades, that's where all that stuff comes from. Nobody has funded pro-pot research, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if there were health benefits (other than the obvious pain relief). Lowering BP comes quickly to mind.
Don't really buy into much of the negative research about pot. The Government has been funding anti-pot research for decades, that's where all that stuff comes from. Nobody has funded pro-pot research, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if there were health benefits (other than the obvious pain relief). Lowering BP comes quickly to mind.
Agree for the most part, but it cannot be healthy to inhale the combustion products from burning a plant, regardless of the source, and ingesting the drug via digestion has enough negative consequences (duration of action, difficulty of controlling dose, etc.) that Vermont's proposed legalization & regulation path specifically excludes edibles. The active agent THC in moderation is probably relatively harmless (compared to many other drugs including ethanol) but getting the stuff into the body safely and without deleterious side effects appears not to be trivial.

This is all, unless one has a pre-existing health issue such as a latent heart problem. One of the side effects of THC intoxication is tachycardia, which can be hazardous for some individuals.
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