REO Speedwagon takes a ride


Feb 23, 2005
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Fly Right

REO Speedwagon will be performing opening day at Airventure 2011.

Please, please, please REO......don't suck nearly as bad as Chicago did last year. Free is nice but being overly sucktastic....:hairraise:

Maybe Styx will open for them?
Really? Chicago, REO, they are opening with old people music? How will they ever attract young people into aviation? The band itself is older than the average GA fleet and we know how old those planes are.
Kevin Cronin was on "Don't Forget the Lyrics a couple seasons ago. His voice -- what little he had -- is GONE.
Really? Chicago, REO, they are opening with old people music? How will they ever attract young people into aviation? The band itself is older than the average GA fleet and we know how old those planes are.

I bet the avg age at Oshkosh is about the same as the band members.
They could have (2 actual members of) THE BEACH BOYS! or groups with none like some of the Motown girl groups.
I bet the avg age at Oshkosh is about the same as the band members.
I was thinking the same thing. I saw them in the late 1980s and they were pretty good then. I admit that the older bands don't sound the way they used to. I must be getting old.
I still want to have Jimmy Buffet as the headliner one year!
He would be great. I saw him in Las Vegas a year or two ago and he does a great concert. How do we convince EAA to get him next year?
He would be great. I saw him in Las Vegas a year or two ago and he does a great concert. How do we convince EAA to get him next year?
Talk to Edsel Ford? :)
I know that he charges about $250,000 for his appearance. Not including the band.
Worst band ever....


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Talk to Edsel Ford? :)
I know that he charges about $250,000 for his appearance. Not including the band.
Jimmy Buffet is a pilot. He should give EAA a big break in his fee (I hope). Harrison Ford has been to Airventure in the past and I doubt that he charged EAA for his appearances. Does anybody know?
Really? Chicago, REO, they are opening with old people music? How will they ever attract young people into aviation?

Hey, they're improving. In ~5 years they've gone from Beach Boys and Doobie Brothers to Chicago and REO Speedwagon. At least the latter two I can remember hearing on the radio on something other than the "oldies" station!
Dudes- They had Asleep at the Wheel, and that show rocked the house... err, the trees!
Please, please, please REO......don't suck nearly as bad as Chicago did last year. Free is nice but being overly sucktastic....:hairraise:

Maybe Styx will open for them?

Scratch both of them and have Rush do the honors. Alex is a pilot, too. :thumbsup:
Scratch both of them and have Rush do the honors. Alex is a pilot, too. :thumbsup:
I second that. Rush has been around for around 35 years and still sound great. Probably not mainstream enough for the EAA but I would be there.
The wife and I saw REO at Clear Lake, CA a few years ago. It was a dinner show and the indoor showroom was basically a banquet room/restaurant. Crazy to see how far they had fallen. They were so loud it hurt and people were stuffing napkins into their ears. The lead singer kept flicking his guitar picks at the crowd like people would delight in getting one, but nobody bothered to pick any of them up. Kind of sad to watch.
Heh... bands? What bands? Last year I was sitting awkwardly on a stage with Kent at Podapalooza when Chicago was playing. :cornut:

I was mostly sitting there wondering how a no-talent ass-clown like me found my way up there with people who had REAL talent... :ihih: :tongue:

Come on over and be groupies... Kent even had bug spray for the crowd last year as an added benefit to stopping by! :thumbsup:
The wife and I saw REO at Clear Lake, CA a few years ago. It was a dinner show and the indoor showroom was basically a banquet room/restaurant. Crazy to see how far they had fallen. They were so loud it hurt and people were stuffing napkins into their ears. The lead singer kept flicking his guitar picks at the crowd like people would delight in getting one, but nobody bothered to pick any of them up. Kind of sad to watch.
They played at the Mobile (Alabama) County Fair in the late 1980s. I'm not sure that they have really fallen that far. I intend to take my wife to the concert at Air Venture this year more for nostalgia then anything else.
The wife and I saw REO at Clear Lake, CA a few years ago. It was a dinner show and the indoor showroom was basically a banquet room/restaurant. Crazy to see how far they had fallen. They were so loud it hurt and people were stuffing napkins into their ears. The lead singer kept flicking his guitar picks at the crowd like people would delight in getting one, but nobody bothered to pick any of them up. Kind of sad to watch.

They played at the Mobile (Alabama) County Fair in the late 1980s. I'm not sure that they have really fallen that far. I intend to take my wife to the concert at Air Venture this year more for nostalgia then anything else.

Am I the only one flashing back to Spinal Tap?
That flies his amhphib with another pilot or two, yet still crashed.

Check your facts.
That was his first amphib, a Lake, many years ago.
...And he was alone in the plane.
...And it wasn't his fault. It was caused by an idiot boater
who cut in front of him, generating a big wake as he was just
about to lift off. The wake swamped one wing float and
overturned the plane.
Heh... bands? What bands? Last year I was sitting awkwardly on a stage with Kent at Podapalooza when Chicago was playing. :cornut:

No you weren't. While Chicago was playing, I was flying overhead at 8500 feet listening to the arrival ATIS saying "all camping areas are closed."

We were on stage when the Lt. Dan Band was playing. :yes:

Generally, the "big name" concert is Monday night, and something else is Friday night. Last year was Lt. Dan Band. The year before was Sully and Skiles. Why do you think we had an earlier time slot in 2009? :D
We were on stage when the Lt. Dan Band was playing. :yes:

Oops. Yeah. I forgot. Shows how little time I was actually there last year due to the "Minivan from hell" tour of Wisconsin, eh? Hahahahaha.

This year will be different!!! Better planning and no Sloshkosh! ;)

It was a (number of) lovely drive(s) between KUNU and KGRB though, with a few stops at KOSH in-between though! ROFL!