For sure. China deserves all the international condemnation possible, and the dysfunctions of the nation be brought to light. Live meat markets with rotting dogs on tops of cages next to someone skewering live bats and selling them. It's absolutely nuts. It isn't just about cultural differences like "well we don't eat dogs so that seems weird to us, but eating cows might seem weird to someone else" <- it goes way beyond that. Imagine walking through piles of unrefrigerated meat in the open without any semblance any kind of sanitary practice.
The politics of it are discouraging. There was a moment of light when people all favored a stimulus, but now it got delayed, and the media is not helping to stoke bipartisan behavior when two headlines on big outlets say almost identically opposite things. If we are worried about the workers, then requirements should be in place that will limit exec pay and ensure that the workers get X amount of said bailout.. or just give the bailout directly to the workers. The auto industry is still questionable if that bailout should have happened.. sure we saved some companies, but they've continued to offshore jobs, close plants, and are way behind the ball as far as embracing cars US buyers actually want (excluding trucks and specialty things like Corvette, Mustang). Learning from the auto industry bailout, that should not have happened if we really care about the workers and that really is the main cost then pay them directly while the company figures it's stuff out. Its a win/win for the company, they get to keep their workforce and FTEs to pivot / adapt / while the workers keep their jobs. Otherwise who knows how that money will really be spent
Indeed we will. And I'd still take this over a host of other potential nightmares (world ending asteroid, alien invasion, WW3, a worse, deadlier pandemic, etc.)