Pattern Altitude
Videos of DUI stops might be some of the funniest things to watch.
I learned that from watching Cops, of course!
The last DWI arrest I made before trading in patrol car for desk, was a conviction based solely on video tape evidence. The guy refused all field sobriety tests, refused intoxilyzer test, and refused to answer even the simplest of booking questions. But, video of his driving (and it wasn't just one "across the centerline violation" either) and of his ranting and ravings on the way to jail (our dept left video running through the whole trip to jail), the jury was out a grand total of 5 minutes. I don't think it would have taken that long except the jury probably took a few minutes to try to stop laughing at the guys comment on tape that "No <substitute another name for kitty cat> in a black robe would ever convict me of DWI". Drunks can be funny in a PITA sort of way.
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