Pre-takeoff checklist
I recently switched flight schools to one that is much more expensive, so I am trying to reduce my time on the ground. (C172)
-How long does it take you on average from Pre-Flight to wheels up? Assuming no taxi delay. (I had one CFI tell me it takes him 6 mins to get in the air, I'm closer to 25mins)
-I have moved a few checklist items to before start. I am now considering moving "Check Flight Controls", use a handheld radio for ATIS and then initially set ALT and HI before start.
-How long does it take you on average from Pre-Flight to wheels up? Assuming no taxi delay. (I had one CFI tell me it takes him 6 mins to get in the air, I'm closer to 25mins)
-I have moved a few checklist items to before start. I am now considering moving "Check Flight Controls", use a handheld radio for ATIS and then initially set ALT and HI before start.