Red/purple cells heading towards OSH

Dark to the north. Had a VERY light sprinkle a moment ago, so we've moved under an awning in Camp Bacon. The airshow and helicopters are still flying.
We lucked out. It stopped just short of us. Nothing since my initial response.
It's tracking SE. You might sneak past this one

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These storms had LOTS of hail. We lost close to 500 acres of cucumbers, sweet corn, and green beans. Cukes and beans are pounded flat, corn looks like pineapple. Several hundred acres of potatoes damaged. Hail accumulated like snow on the roads, piled up in low spots as it floated along the ground in the heavy downpours.
These storms had LOTS of hail. We lost close to 500 acres of cucumbers, sweet corn, and green beans. Cukes and beans are pounded flat, corn looks like pineapple. Several hundred acres of potatoes damaged. Hail accumulated like snow on the roads, piled up in low spots as it floated along the ground in the heavy downpours.

Ouch. Sorry man.
Jim, sorry to hear. Hope,you have hail insurance.
The after adjustment cost benefit ratio of hail insurance defies all rules of mathematics unless you are heavily financed and leveraged beyond hope. The cost of this event will be less than what the premium would be for the remainder of our acreage that was not affected.
Wow. If that had hit OSH...

I'm sure the Avemco people were crapping themselves.

My brother and I were watching this waiting for the bus to the N40 walk through gate. Can't remember, but think I shot this Tuesday afternoon. It never fully developed, and was out over the lake.

My brother and I were watching this waiting for the bus to the N40 walk through gate. Can't remember, but think I shot this Tuesday afternoon. It never fully developed, and was out over the lake.

One nope on a rope, coming right up :yikes:
These storms had LOTS of hail. We lost close to 500 acres of cucumbers, sweet corn, and green beans. Cukes and beans are pounded flat, corn looks like pineapple. Several hundred acres of potatoes damaged. Hail accumulated like snow on the roads, piled up in low spots as it floated along the ground in the heavy downpours.

Where do you farm, Jim?
These storms had LOTS of hail. We lost close to 500 acres of cucumbers, sweet corn, and green beans. Cukes and beans are pounded flat, corn looks like pineapple. Several hundred acres of potatoes damaged. Hail accumulated like snow on the roads, piled up in low spots as it floated along the ground in the heavy downpours.

Jim, are you somewhere in central or west-central WI? I was airborne at this time, hoping to heck that these storms were not going to go flatten OSH. It was just about as dark as night up in the flight levels going around these things. That is really too bad, about the crops. Wow.
Kate, nice to see you here! What were you doing up in the flight levels? Hopefully charging exorbitant rates to fly someone else's toy? :)