recommended the wrong guy for the job


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
we were hiring for an open position. I knew a guy I worked with over 10 years go was looking so I got a hold of him. he interviewed along with several other people who were hands down less qualified. he got the job and everyone knew I knew this guy. we also hired another guy at the same time. this 2nd guy was far less skilled from a technical perspective but had some project work experience that we thought would fit in with the work load we have. well my guy has turned out to be the biggest dud I've worked with in a long time. no motivation to do anything, you have to ask him 50 times to do the easiest tasks, a whole lot of extra work for me since he aint doing squat. I'm embarrassed for him and for myself for recommending him. this sucks but there's not much I can do. my team knows it's not my fault but I feel like I let e'rbody down. ok I feel better now thanks bye.
Cut bait, sooner the better.

in my 9 years at this company only 1 position was 'eliminated'. you don't get fired from this company without a blatant 'event' happening like u barfed on the president's wife or snorted coke on your desk and even then they'd probably pay for drug rehab instead of fire you because of fear of lawsuits.
in my 9 years at this company only 1 position was 'eliminated'. you don't get fired from this company without a blatant 'event' happening like u barfed on the president's wife or snorted coke on your desk and even then they'd probably pay for drug rehab instead of fire you because of fear of lawsuits.
Switch him to a performance based pay scheme.... sorta like commission for the sales staff. If flipping the switch is $1.00, pushing the button is $1.50, and pulling the lever is $2.00, then the more times you do those operations, the more money you make. The less you do those operations.....
in my 9 years at this company only 1 position was 'eliminated'. you don't get fired from this company without a blatant 'event' happening like u barfed on the president's wife or snorted coke on your desk and even then they'd probably pay for drug rehab instead of fire you because of fear of lawsuits.

Get him to snort coke off of the President's wife! :-)

Sorry to hear man, have worked with some duds over the years but never accidentally got one hired.

Sometimes you can find things to do that aren't even work related that just make them miserable so they leave, without having to figure out how to get them fired.

I remember one manager constantly flopping multiple people's schedules and we all were getting tired of it.

What we didn't realize was that the dud's schedule was always the one he really hated. But to make it all look legit the manager had to flop everyone around constantly for six months. Haha.

The dud left. Said he hated the place. Everyone silently cheered. And all of a sudden the schedules all went back to normal and folks had the schedules they wanted. Haha.
in my 9 years at this company only 1 position was 'eliminated'. you don't get fired from this company without a blatant 'event' happening like u barfed on the president's wife or snorted coke on your desk and even then they'd probably pay for drug rehab instead of fire you because of fear of lawsuits.
So you are a civil servant???
I did that once. I hired a friend with my boss's okay, I also fired him a couple months later with my boss's okay. I took complete responsibility for his actions and inactions. Boss man didn't want to interfere. What's funny Boss man even fired me a couple times over the years that I worked with him. We're still real good friends to this very day. In fact now that he's darn near a billionaire, I may try to edge my way back into his company at some future point in time as his kids are worthless and have no concept of how to run his company, so he keeps them occupied with their own little mini companies that he's set up for them.
I vouched for a friend once and he was hired. Left only 6 months on the job. Didn't look good for me but it's not like I can guarantee longevity. Good thing I didn't apply for the reference bonus because then I really would have felt bad.
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So, umm, where do I apply? I can not do things as well as anybody...
I vouched for a friend once and was hired. Left only 6 months on the job. Didn't look good for me but it's not like I can guarantee longevity. Good thing I didn't apply for the reference bonus because then I really would have felt bad.
I was stupid enough to do it twice, for the same person in two different jobs. She left the first one after about 6 months for better opportunity. Ok no problem. Years later she was furloughed after 9/11 and pleaded with me to recommend her at the company I had gone to. I don't think she even lasted six months that time, and left without giving notice or telling me good bye or go to hell.
I was stupid enough to do it twice, for the same person in two different jobs. She left the first one after about 6 months for better opportunity. Ok no problem. Years later she was furloughed after 9/11 and pleaded with me to recommend her at the company I had gone to. I don't think she even lasted six months that time, and left without giving notice or telling me good bye or go to hell.

Ugh! That is bad, especially if the company is providing expensive aircraft qualification training like mine. Then they have to go out again and recruit someone else.

Can't really fault those for going on to "bigger and better" for their families, but twice? Ouch.
We have a rule at our work. If you recommend someone, don't be mad at us if we don't hire them, and likewise we won't be mad at you if they get hired and don't work out.
I'm in the process of cutting someone just as you describe loose. I gave him a hundred chances but he is just as you described your guy. The market is insane right now though so it's a good time to let him go.
Years ago a friend of mine went to his first job interview wearing an AC/DC T shirt. Not a minimum wage job, something in the aerospace engineering field.

He got the job and stayed there 6 years.
in my 9 years at this company only 1 position was 'eliminated'. you don't get fired from this company without a blatant 'event' happening like u barfed on the president's wife or snorted coke on your desk and even then they'd probably pay for drug rehab instead of fire you because of fear of lawsuits.

Most new positions come with a probationary period. We use 90 days. For one position I've yet to see someone last longer than eight weeks (we are on our fourth applicant now.)

It's a crap job, IT production support for a bunch of legacy crap that was put together 15 years ago with duct tape and bailing wire. Poor bastards don't know that when they apply and I bet most of the good ones ask and leave.

Anywho, it sucks to be in that position. Good luck.


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Well I was gonna leave this part out but I actually recommended Te* for the latest mod position. Sorry guys.

You fool! Well now everyone will hopefully realize they should not only ignore your recommendations, but do the polar opposite of what you recommend. ;)
Ah. The glory of working for somewhere way too damned big to care about individual hires or recommendations. "Hey can you--" NOPE.
Hire them them fast. Easier said than done.
Never did recommend anyone for a job but I did unrecommend one of our employees who was constantly effing up.
Only time I had a personal recommendation bite me is when it was my backfill when I was moving to another internal org... I still kinda feel bad about that one. None of my other personal recommendations have bit me. I keep recommending one as I move teams and they keep listening and bringing him along with.
we were hiring for an open position. I knew a guy I worked with over 10 years go was looking so I got a hold of him. he interviewed along with several other people who were hands down less qualified. he got the job and everyone knew I knew this guy. we also hired another guy at the same time. this 2nd guy was far less skilled from a technical perspective but had some project work experience that we thought would fit in with the work load we have. well my guy has turned out to be the biggest dud I've worked with in a long time. no motivation to do anything, you have to ask him 50 times to do the easiest tasks, a whole lot of extra work for me since he aint doing squat. I'm embarrassed for him and for myself for recommending him. this sucks but there's not much I can do. my team knows it's not my fault but I feel like I let e'rbody down. ok I feel better now thanks bye.

Everyone makes a mistake once in while.