I had no intent to attack anything but your assertion that MSFT made all that "new" stuff. None of it is new. None of it is revolutionary.
I never made such an assertion that Microsoft was first to market, none of that matters to me.
Incorrect. Here, let me be more blunt. You're obviously new to all of this computer stuff if you actually believe MSFT's marketing BS. Same with any other commercial computer software vendor. To be a true professional you must see beyond the hype and look at the underlying tech.
Actually the more professional person wouldn't assume so much.
Example: Active Directory. It's just a crappy implementation of LDAP. LDAP predates it by many many years. There's no magic in it.
Active directory works fine, and I don't really care what predates it. Ypbind, NIS, NIS+, Novel Directory Services and many others have come and gone and all sucked in their own way
As to your assertion about not knowing the industry, feel free to believe what you wish, but my first computer job was over 19 years ago and Windows had just barely gotten a mouse working to do something useful with it in a little graphical shell. Three OSs and at least two other graphical shells had already done that prior to their release.
My first one predates that..
You were claiming Win 8 will be awesome eventually, once they fix it. I was just pointing out that's standard MSFT MO. Release half-baked stuff that's a copy of the competitir's products and then tell everyone to wait for the updates. Nothing new there. Same MO as Windows for Workgroups (Novell Netware already did everything that software did, and did it better at the time), Win 95 was "the fix".
I never said they will "fix it", I said they're continuing to improve and enhance it.. but that's moot anyway, you're disputing who did what first, I have no issues with that. I don't care who built the first car, first airplane or first computer, first cpu. In fact, i'm running an AMD right now, should I feel shame its no Intel?
I don't hate it at all. In fact I help admin a number of Windows machines. MSFT's Marketing Department beats everyone else on the planet, perhaps only tied with Cisco as a religion. And Cisco has been slipping for a while now. Routing packets just isn't that hard.
As a professional, I never recommend anything because of marketing
No hate here. Just trying to point out that computer pros see MSFT as just another option to do stuff. The rest of your post seems to just be a reaction to being called out on your tooting of the MSFT horn more than a reasonable response to the claims that all those "miraculous" MSFT implementations of bog-standard technologies weren't really new or even all that interesting to those of us who were doing that stuff before MSFT released them.
Again, none of what you said matters to me. This topic was never about firsts... what gave you that impression?
To make the point, you're espousing puppet in a future talk. In a couple of years, MSFT will announce they have a cool new systems management tool that keeps configurations and standardizes systems automatically. Under the good, it'll look exactly like puppet with AD integration. It'll also cost $10K for a site license. Be still my beating heart.
Actually, if you had bothered to research you would have seen that Microsoft has had System Center for a few years now which does similar roles. The new system center manages not only windows devices, but it also does Android and iOS.. but that doesn't matter, its not about firsts.. BUt hey, SCCM also does VMware provisioning! Dirty old Microsoft up to dirty old tricks supporting what customers ask them to support, gah..
also, if I want support for puppet, it probably costs more for puppet enterprise than Microsoft system center.. but hey, facts be damned lol.
All I'm saying is nothing MSFT has done other than a very few things are all that revolutionary or new. You've decided it means I'm a "hater" whatever the hell that is. Who has time to hate OS makers in life? If you're convinced technology has changed drastically because of MSFT, there's really not much anyone can say to change your religion on the topic.
Who has time to spend so much effort talking about something they keep on saying they care little about?
Mark my words.. The next versions of iOS and Android will all be losing skueomorphism and going to a more tile / flat UI interface.
As always throughout my career, the platforms I work on rake in cash at an amazing rate, for zero capital cost for software, while the Windows team struggles to audit their licenses and figure out why no one paid the bill. They do good work but it takes two of them to every one of us. And they still had to ask me to set up their WSUS environment because they didn't have the bandwidth. ("Oh look. It's a package management proxy server with less features and a more annoying UI than any of the seven others I've deployed. Piece of cake. Here's a document describing the limitations I see in the first 15 minutes working with it.") Piece of cake.
I've made my riches off Oracle.. its far from cheap. WSUS also used to suck terribly, but its improved to be somewhat useful, but luckily, WSUS isn't the only game in town. RedHat up2date sucks and they charge 25k to have your own satellite server. Early versions of Yum created GLIBC hell and were a disaster and apt-get used to bork every system it was on and sucked royally.. all of these package management tools are still in a state of flux and improvement and they're being greatly expanded on and abstracted out. Heck, I can do yum on windows now! werd!
Powershell... Hey look, Windows finally got something as useful as Perl! Heh.
Thank GOD Powershell isn't perl! lol.. Powershell is awesome and with great functionality into the WMI interface it brings a lot of power to windows, so much power that VMware also uses it as its default scripting engine/interface.
I'm a python and ruby dude myself.. mostly python but darn these management systems being built on Ruby!
Etc etc.
If you thought my post was a personal attack, you got the wrong idea. It was just facts posted to get you to think hard about your claims that Windows (or anyone else for that matter) is truly doing anything new in computing.
What is your point? What facts did you have? you wouldn't recognize anything Microsoft does as new anyway.
I've got a copy of Microsoft Xenix waiting here for ya
My first touch-screen interface I supported and installed in 1995 had all those pretty primary colors (I call primary color interfaces "Fisher-Price UIs" since they're usually designed at a Kindergarten user level...) and controlled the conference call back-lines for FAA and the U.S. Pacific fleet. It ran primarily under Microware OS-9. To upgrade the firmware we had to bring a chip puller and replace 20 EPROMs per board with roughly 20 boards in each VME chassis and then load 15 or so floppies into a 10 or 20 Meg hard drive.
See, there ya go.. Talking about something you have no intention to use nor any understanding of and writing it off as a fisher price UI because of your own negligence..
Metro is the interface to the WinRT runtime which is so much more than what than what is described above.. but hey.. I don't need to spell it out, you're not going to listen..
it did pretty much what Metro does today, considering it was running on a Motorola 68030 or 68040 processor and 1/100th or less of the modern amounts of RAM in most low-end PCs. OS-9 is an RTOS with real pre-emptive multitasking which is one of those things in your list of "amazing" new stuff from MSFT in that there's "better control" of timeslices of CPU time. Ooh ahh. Whoop dee freakin' doo, as they say.
It doesn't do anything what metro does today..
and I won't even bother about all the unified architecture, 10 point multi touch, handwriting recognition and other features because ermahgerd, ms may not have been first in all of them, let me go verify with the first police!
You love MSFT? Great. Pay your money and step right up for the Greatest Show on Earth. P.T. Barnum said it... There's a sucker born every minute. The post was simply a reminder not to be such a sap for their Marketing material.
I love my wife and kids.. I enjoy windows 8. Why are you claiming again to not be making fun of me when you're saying stuff like a "sucker born every minute".
For the 25 bucks it cost me, I have all the features I need. Everything windows 7 does and more.. heck, HyperV was worth it alone!
Pardon me if you took it personally that those of us who've worked on ... (Counting them up here...)... Something like 15 OSs professionally ... And by OS, I mean significantly different ones, not versions of the same ones... Aren't all that easily bluffed about Windows or any other OS anymore. Last I checked, IBM Mainframe tech is still around and kicking.. Worked on one of those, too... Briefly anyway.
Who uses mainframe tech? what does that have to do with Windows? If you want to argue semantics we could argue that virtualization and Paas and Iaas is somewhat akin to mainframe, but that's an entirely different topic.
Executive Summary: Windows 8 is repackaged stuff I've seen before. Almost every bit of it. Glad you like it. I don't "hate" it. It's a new UI for the masses who'll mostly just be confused by it for a while. The Fisher-Price color scheme will help them believe it's user friendly.
Windows 8 is user friendly, you are not
You are the one making it much more difficult than it has to be.. comparing it to everything it isn't, worrying about it being the first or the last to market, making fun of it as being fisher price..
Meanwhile I've got a pile of Asterisk boxes making BANK that don't even have a UI installed on 'em.
I've used asterisk as well, in fact, I had it running on my ASUS router for a bit, but cell phones made that moot. I don't have a UI on the hundreds of servers I manage at work either.. does not having a UI mean anything? nah..
Guess I'm old. I prefer my computers make me some money while I sleep and don't need the "ecosystems".
ok.. what does this have to do with windows? Obviously Microsoft and its customers have little problem making money lol.. i'd love to see you debate that.
So your Informix database can handle petabytes of data, does map reduce jobs and also has SSIS / DTS jobs / Integration services? cool!